Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wee One Wednesday - Faces Edition

I'm thinking of enrolling in some sort of Anonymous progam. Something along the lines of: I Take Far Too  Many Pictures of My Baby Anonymous. I'm sure there's a 12-step program out there? 1. Admitting you have a problem. 2. Putting down the camera.. Or rather, extracting it from my kung-fu grip. Okay, maybe I'm not quite ready for that.

Oh, those eyes. Those rosy cheeks.
Carter, women would kill for a complexion like that.

 Somebody is getting really excited for pears...
Did I mention those eyelashes make me swoon, too?

And, just because every boy should own
a super cool duck tub...

Happy Wednesday


  1. I think my husband wants me to stop reading your blog because it's only encouraging my baby fever.

  2. Yep! I would kill for a complexion like that! Poor Connor is probably going to inherit my skin and look like a pizza face in high school. UGH!

  3. Ohmygosh! He is so cute!!! How could you resist taking a million pictures?

  4. I am always telling Cooper that I wish my skin was as clear and smooth as his is! Keep taking tons of pics of that sweet boy, I LOVE seeing all of them!

  5. Can I be vice-president of the Anonymous club?? In my opinion, keep on snapping! You (and all of us other crazy mothers) will cherish those pictures FOREVER! :)

  6. he is way to adorable to stop photographing every stage of his life. is he really sitting up by himself in that tub? OMYGOSH!!!! We have that tub too cant wait to use it

  7. Love the ducky he sitting up all by himself in there already?!?

    And when you start going to your meetings, let me know....I think I need to join you!

  8. He is too cute. Love all the expressions! :)

  9. Love all the photographs I'd be taking a ton too if I had a cutie like that.

  10. Where did you get that cool tub!? Is he sitting up already? My little guy is about 3 weeks behind Carter and I definitely need to be a member of your club! Can't get enough!!

  11. I'll join that club with you! Maybe you start it, and we'll all join! We LOVED that duck too - my Tommy has outgrown it for his bath, but he enjoyed sitting in it and we'd pull him around the house in it!

  12. He is such a CUTIE!!! I'm positive I'll have a huge problem with taking way too many pictures. Maybe we'll be able to find a picture anonymous group together :-)

  13. He really does have beautiful eyes! And why is it that baby boys ALWAYS have the BEST eyelashes?!!? gosh!

  14. If he and KP ever get married their babies will have the LONGEST lashes ever! I swear our kiddos have GORGEOUS lashes!

  15. lol... judging by the way I take pictures of my pets, my future children probably won't have an hour to themselves without me photographing them. hahaha!


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