Monday, October 4, 2010

We Survived...

Our first Daddy-less weekend.

Hence, why it's been rather quiet around these blogging parts lately. While Daddy-Hubs was partying his lucky handsome ass off in Atlantic City at his brother's bachelor party, Mommy had her hands full with Carter and Sheepie. Needless to say, everybody survived and I didn't ship Sheepie off to a ranch in Colorado.

All in all, I would say our first Daddy-less weekend was a raging success. But that doesn't mean I'm up for another one any time soon.

Here's my two handsome boys after a rough weekend of partying...


  1. Way to go! It's the little things in life now.

  2. Good job mama! I had my first daddy-less weekend when Jamie was only 3 weeks old. WHAT WAS I THINKING?! And I have TWO crazy dogs on top of it. I don't think I'll be letting hubby jet off again anytime soon! :)

  3. Brave woman! We have yet to be daddy-less in these parts.

  4. Yeah for another (probably unnecessary to recreate) milestone!

  5. Wahoo! You did it and with style I'm sure! Love that pic!

  6. Good job girl! I hate when the hubs has to work late. I whine about how he leaves me to be a single mom (i'm not always a joy!!). Now he's going to be living somewhere else for a few weeks while we stay here. I'm going to pull my hair out.

  7. i'm sure sheepie was a big help! =) but seriously, glad you survived...i bet that had to be rough!

  8. Good job.. it's hard.. my hubs works night shift so he sleeps during the day so I'm like a single mom excpet between the hours of 4-9:30 when my husband is awake. try everynight by yourself with a crying baby NOT FUN

  9. Good Job!! Today is daddy's first day back at work...and we're making it!!! haha I can't imagine a whole weekend!


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