Friday, October 22, 2010

Speech Bubbles Welcome...

Everyone could use a little laugh this Friday.
It's the end of the week, it's not quite 5pm.
So close to the weekend, one could almost taste it.
Here's an idea:
YOU tell me what Carter is thinking...

Happy Friday!


  1. "wutcha lookin' at pete!?" or... "You were suppose to tell mom it was YOU that made that smell!"

  2. I am not sure what Carter is thinking but he is awfully cute and really deep in thought it looks like! Have a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend!

  3. Hey I'd rather be looking at sheepie! Have a great weekend!

  4. "Don't give me those cute eyes. If you try to take my food I will DESTROY you."

  5. "Staring!"

  6. "listen... we can be friends but don't even think I'm sharing the boob with you,"!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. "What the heck!?" He's so cute!

  8. "You love carrots more than me?"

    Hehe, that is a great picture!

  9. "Now tell me again where you were at 6pm on tuesday night?"

    "we both know who made the stink!"

    haha, too cute!

  10. "bunny, I will win this stare off!"

  11. Ummmmm.... what a fabulous picture!! I would love to know what's really going on in his head!

    Happy Monday!

  12. Ok-your blog is amazing and I feel like we are twins seperated at birth(you are the skinnier twin)! I read your birth story (since Im having baby b in 3 weeks from tomorrow birth stories are my new obsession) and Im having a c/s too! Its for medical reasons(long story) but I love that I know what day the baby will be here and can be as ocd as I want w/ the whole thing. How was your recovery? When could you exercise again? You look terrific!

  13. "What did you just say about my Mama????"


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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