Friday, October 29, 2010

Before You Go Calling Child Protective Services...

Carter taking his first nap in his crib

Another title for this blog post? "Can You Tell Me What is Wrong With This Picture?" I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I laid Carter down to sleep in his crib yesterday. On his belly. With a loose blanket tucked around his lower half. Did you notice the non-breathable, cushy bumper? Perhaps you were too busy looking at Bunny O' Death there, in the corner. Yep, pretty much broke every rule in the book on this one. Just call me Bad Mommy.

For the record, I would like to at least throw out there that I did place my child in the bottom lower half of the crib. During his nap, he scooted himself clear across to the top. While you're reading this, I'm probably out buying one of those "breathable bumper pads..."


  1. Eh, whatever. I think he is adorable, and how exciting that he is napping in his crib! What a big boy!

  2. crack me up! Bad mommy you!!! ;) <3

  3. Kinley has been sleeping in her crib since 8 weeks old.....with a non-breathable bumper! (GASP) and now she sleeps with 3 lovies!
    You little man looks so sweet sleeping :)

  4. Bwah ha ha ha! S's crib looks the same way. Except his belly is too fat to lay on, so he's a back baby. Otherwise call CPS on me too.

  5. On the flip side of it all, he looks so cozy! This past weekend we had to lower Connor's crib because when he rolled over in his crib, he would nail his head on the wood. We have added bumpers, did NOT remove the stuffed owl and mouse, and always wrap him in a blanket. Oh, and he sleeps on his belly! Irony of it all? We do have a movement monitor.. but rarely turn it on :) Have a great weekend!

  6. Have you read my most recent post about Mommy Judgement? If not, please go now and read it. I comment about the whole sleeping on the tummy thing. One of my best friends is very very against it, but Sawyer naps on his tummy sometime, and when he does, he takes nice, long naps!

  7. I have one of those breathable bumper pads and LOVE it.

  8. Oh, I forgot! We also lay Connor's face on a cloth diaper so if he decides to reflux in his crib, I don't have to change the sheet 1,000 times a week. Those are a bitch to change. Bad mommies unite!

  9. You go girl! I stripped everything from Easton's crib- no bumper, no bunny o death, no blanket---you can call me PARANOID! easton does sleep on his belly now and I go in there 9 zillion times to make sure he's breathing! I'm sure little Carter will be just fine! He's a cutie!

  10. Oh I've totally done the SAME thing. And although we've now taken some provisions (removed bumper, try not to use blankets, etc)...I've decided that sometimes, moms just KNOW best! And besides that, when we were kids this is how 'experts' recommended we sleep...and somehow, we all made it out alive!

  11. I love his bedding, though! I was so fixated that I hardly noticed the baby on the belly with a blanket. :)

  12. Haha! We put Cooper in his crib with a blanket too. And in the mornings, he has the blanket all up in his face. And we have a super cushy non-breathable bumper that he cuddles right up to. I still to this day sleep with my baby blanket (that's another story in itself :) ) so I figure he probably likes to cuddle up with one too! He's FINE! Funny how things you once freaked out about you now have no issue with.

    p.s. Yay for him napping in his crib! Not always an easy transition!

  13. Bunny-o-death is hysterical :) Carter is so cute snugged up like that!

  14. I totally put a blanket around my child as well. Seems cruel not to! We have not made it to the crib yet though. I'm still loving the napper in the pack-n-play for now till he gets a little more head control.

  15. I bet he took the BEST nap ever!

    When I laid my baby on his belly for the first time to sleep it was naptime and he was 1 month old in a crib with non-breathable bumpers and a little blanket. He slept for 3 whole hours! It was pure mommy bliss!

  16. I remember being all paranoid in the, at almost 14 months, some nights we have one or all of the following "o death" items - duck, dog, bunny, cat, nameless orange guy, and Elmo. Plus books. We even have a pillow now. of course, Tommy's a little older, but these are what help him sleep, and quite soundly. Carter will be fine!

  17. HAHA! This totally looks like something I would do and then think the same thing..."if someone could see this, they would call DSS!" :) Oh motherhood!

  18. You are so funny! You are NOT a bad Mom by any means though ;) He just looks so cute and snuggly in his little crib and I love the pattern on his crib bumper! My baby girl just turned 4 in September and she was sleeping in her crib with the bumper since she was a week old... EEEEEK! I know now who is the bad Mom??!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  19. GIRL I posted about how KPs crib is a death trap too. She LOVES sleeping on her belly and we definitely have bumpers...oh but we have the angel care monitors...

  20. My baby sleeps on her belly a lot! No worries! Thanks for sharing!!! :)

  21. I found your blog through a friend's blog and have to say this post cracked me up! :) We have no bumper on our crib which is also a hazard I've come to learn because our son gets limbs stuck in the openings pretty often. It's a tad bit sad, but I still laugh cause it also pretty cute and funny! ;p

    ~ Another "bad" mommy

  22. We did that with Babes too (naps on her belly, with a bumper and a blanket) pretty much until she began scooting all over the place. Then we switched to a breathable bumper. It wasn't until she began rolling that we took off her blanket (at night-time only) and put her in one of those sleep sack things. But she still sleeps with a little lovey...that just happens to be a star-shaped blankie.

  23. I talked to the pedi yesterday and she said esp for reflux babies like mine.. tummy is actually better.. for a sound night of sleep.. it helps with gas too.

    We have a crib like that too.. we should BEWARE signs!

    and shhhhhh don't tell but I never threw out my sleep positioner

  24. What is so bad about the bumpers??
    I dont get it.
    He looks like he is peacefully sleeping to me! :)


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