Friday, April 2, 2010

Today's Pregnancy Epiphany.

Around five and a half months pregnant,

one becomes astounded at how adept one can be

by picking things up with their toes.

Let's just say I'm getting really good at this...

Just call me Monkey Feets.



  1. i can't wait to master this skill. at 3 months i've become astounded at how gassy one can be -- and not care!

    my blog has moved:

  2. girrrrl you need to shave your legs and get a pedicure... and what's up with keeping a pregnant woman in a cage????


    it's amazing what our digits can do, eh?

    :) happy day sweet pea!

  3. So cute! I'm in love with your blog!

  4. So cute! I'm in love with your blog!


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