Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lawn Envy.

I never thought I'd say this, but I have lawn envy. It's not like I don't have enough going on in this house to occupy my time (a master bedroom headboard that needs making, paintings that have yet to be hung, cabinet doors that need hinging) but every stinkin' time I look out our front/side/back windows, I get lawn envy.

Me. A girl. With lawn envy.

We have fabulous neighbors. They're a bit younger than our parents, the wife a retired nurse (woo-hoo!), the husband (well, we're not sure what he does, other than mow his lawn. more on this later) and two college age kids that are always home and always willing to help a pregnant lady unload an SUV full of groceries. I mean, hello? Who wouldn't love neighbors who shower you with homemade cookies, wine glasses and a plant upon move in? They truly seem like great people- and it doesn't hurt that they have a gorgeous in-ground pool. Pregnant women LOVE pools, I'm pretty sure.

Ok, so back to our lawn issue. The previous homeowners, I fear, did not care much for their lawn. In fact, I'm not even sure they realized they had any. It was overgrown and full of bald spots. Our garden? I'm not even sure you can call it that- looks like someone with what they thought was a green thumb threw up all over it. There's a random rhododendron bush planted next to a rose bush, planted amongst some vinca with a random smattering of tulips and an unknown purple flower thrown in. The rhododendron is in full sunlight! Didn't these people know rhododendrons like shade?!

Two words. Garden vomit.

When you think of our neighborhood, think Pleasantville. Plush green lawns, perfectly manicured gardens. Children playing nicely in their front yards. Dogs sunning themselves on front porches. I hate to say it, but our neighborhood is disgustingly perfect. And I love it! But I don't love our lawn. And lawns are not easy to fix overnight. Unless you live in a show on HGTV network. Which we do not. Dagger.

Re-enter our neighbor, who comes home from work early, every fourth day, to weed whack, edge and mow his lawn. Now, for once, I'm not trying to be funny. When I say every fourth day, I truly mean every fourth day. At 2pm. He's out there. Weeding, whacking, edging and mowing. His yard? Makes our yard look like the "before" picture on the backs of fertilizer and grass seed bags. Woof.

It's pathetic. But the good news is? We're trying. We've seeded. And on most days? I remember to water the bald spots. And when my parents came to visit? My mom helped me fill three huge planters full of gorgeous flowers for both our deck and our porch. You know, because a little splash of color goes a long way. But I still have lawn envy. Me. A girl. With lawn envy.

I should probably cut back on all of the HGTV I've been watching...


  1. I am SO right there with you!!!! Our neighbors on both sides have amazing yards, and the previous owners in our house didn't do anything for our lawn. We're trying to resuscitate what's left....and we spent all last weekend planting the practically empty flower beds (opposite of your problem!). Fortunately our neighbors have offered lots of advice, and have lent a few lawn tools too! Let's hope we'll have lush green carpets for lawns soon!

  2. I'm a new follower and love your blog and pup!

    I also can totally relate to "lawn envy". My hubby and I are buying a new house and when we get it we will have our work cut out for us.

    The good thing is, that when your lawn looks like crap it doesn't have any other option than to get better! (at least that's what we're telling ourselves :) )


    I love this post! :)

    HGTV makes me "want" alot of things... and I get "wild hairs" to fix/create/do something.... J has to cut me off sometimes.


    No doubt you'll get that lawn back in tip/top shape soon!



  4. Me too!!!! We moved into our home last year at the end of summer and this year ive been trying to figure out a good way to make our lawn look beautiful. Our next door neighbor was a bachelor when we moved in and had a guy roomate, but now he has a girlfriend and she is bringing a feminine touch to his yard so its making us want to work on ours more as well!!! (I recommend dwarf dahlias. We planted some in hanging baskets on the porch and i LOVE them)

  5. Our lawn was nothing to write home about, but we seeded it and tried to give it some TLC, and then the next year - it was the greenest on the block. I think yours is going to outshine the rest next year! :o)

  6. our yard is pretty wretched... it needs SO much work- but finding the time is the hardest part!

  7. We are sort of in the same boat - our neighbors always have a perfect lawn that is edged, weeded, and mowed. They DO have landscapers though so that makes me feel a little better since we are definitely doing it all on our own!

  8. It took us three years to get our landscaping and lawn looking great. Give it time and some TLC. It will look great in no time!


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