Sunday, July 15, 2012

Travel :: Sunday Social Link-Up

Sunday Social

When Jennifer's post popped up in my Reader today linking up with Neely for Sunday Social and I saw that the topic was vacations, I thought it might be fun to pop in on this Sunday and share with you one of my favorite spots in the whole wide world. 

This spot also happened to be the last vacation The Husband and I took prior to having babies. Had I known it would have been the last vacation for a few years bit, I may have never hopped on that plane home!

So, what's the best trip I've ever been on? 

As tempted as I am to say that the two weeks spent in Hawaii on our Honeymoon was the best trip I've ever been on, Turks and Caicos takes the cake on this one. Having already been to Aruba, the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands, both The Husband and I knew we wanted to visit somewhere we'd never been before- you see, we're big on exploring new places and rarely visiting the same place twice. I'm so happy we chose to spend our vacation on T&C- in fact, we loved it so much that part of our Life Plan is to eventually buy property there!

What's the best idea for a couple's trip?

Absolutely somewhere far, far away from sticky little toddler hands and squeaky newborn babies. Wait, is that not specific enough? I would have to say somewhere warm and tropical. There's nothing more relaxing than laying by the beach, feeling the sand beneath your toes and sharing a frozen umbrella drink (or three) with your significant other. Throw in a beach front couple's massage followed by a delicious five star dinner and I'd say you're in heaven. 

The Husband and I have traveled many, many places together prior to having babies and I cannot wait to give in to the travel bug that's been nipping as us since our last trip together!

What's the best idea for a vacation on the cheap? 

Since this seems to be more our speed nowadays, we've been looking into spending a nice, quiet little weekend away at a local bed and breakfast! Particularly one that happens to be nearby a local winery. As much as the word "staycation" was never a part of my vocabulary, things change a bit when kidlets are involved!

What's the place you most want to visit?

The one destination that we never quite made it to before babies was Greece. Particularly the island of Santorini and Italy's Amalfi coast. Seeing each of these places is on my proverbial Bucket List and hopefully we'll get to visit there one day soon! I'd be even crazy enough to take the kids!

What are your vacation/travel necessities?

Aside from great company, my absolute travel must-haves would have to be 1) a great bag 2) a chunky sweater for the plane 3) comfortable and cute flats 4) the iPad 5) lip balm 6) oversized sunnies 7) a great, versatile scarf and the most important accessory 8) a camera with extra memory cards!

Travel Necessities


  1. Our travel necessities seem very similar :) Love me some Tory Burch :)

    Thanks for linking up friend!

  2. I am totally with you, as much as I love my C a vaca is not a vaca with kiddos. T&C looks fabulous...I want to go right now!

  3. our HI honeymoon was my best one too!

    come say hello at

    have a wonderful day!

  4. Great travel necessities! I agree, once babies are involved a staycation sounds just as fabulous as going somewhere far! Haha

  5. Loving this link up! Since we aren't able to go to the beach this year I might just have to pretend and play along.

  6. I linked up today too. I've been itching to travel, but finances are putting a few trips a little further down the horizon. It's so much fun to dream and plan - soon enough those trips will come!

  7. I'm so in love with that Longchamp bag. I want one so badly! (Psst, you lookin' good in that bikini girl! haha)

  8. You have to come visit Bermuda! :) That's where I'm from and live...I just got back from the beach! Put that on your list ;)

  9. T&C sounds and looks lovely! We are adventurous and may just have to try that for our next adults-only trip!

  10. Um, can I say that I love your entire post?! Every.bit. Actually Greece/ Santorini is on our "list" too - we considered going there for our honeymoon but it was right after the 2004 Olympics there so we picked Kauai instead. Our 2 weeks there were amazing!
    Turks & Caicos sounds dreamy!! I know tropical trips with M were nice perks since he was away from you so much traveling for work during those early years. Hopefully you'll have a trip somewhere warm and tropical soon!


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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