Monday, July 16, 2012

Mac Allen :: One Month

Let's just say that these last four weeks have been the quickest four weeks of my entire life. I cannot, cannot believe that Maclane is one month old! If the next eleven months fly by just like these last four weeks did, both of my boys will be going off to college in no time! Happy One Month, Mac Allen!

Weight: 8lbs 1oz at birth, 7lbs. 5oz at discharge, 7lbs. 9oz three days later and 10lbs. 11oz at his one month appointment! The "milk bar" is working! 
Hair: Dark  brown! It hasn't shown any signs of falling out yet but if it does, I secretly hope it grows back in again brown. He's quite the "fuzzy" baby too, with dark peach fuzz all across his back, shoulders and arms! I love it!
Eyes: Dark navy, the same dark navy Carter had when he was born. 
Diapers: Size 1's. Mac wore newborn size dipes for about two and a half weeks and then they started leaving angry red lines on his chubba thighs!
Clothes: Mac still swims in 0-3 month clothes lengthwise but he's definitely outgrown the very few newborn outfits we ran out to get him when he came home! Telltale sign it was time to move on? His sleepers were skin tight! 
Eating: Exclusively breastfeeding and it's been a dream comparatively. Maclane has an excellent latch and although he only prefers one side, I can't complain. He's a dream eater although it appears as if he might be a "silent spitter." He definitely spits up much more than Carter ever did but it still isn't much. Maybe a teaspoon after every other feeding. As far as bottle feeding goes, Maclane has taken bottles without an issue. We use both the Born Free and Avent bottles and he'll suck down 3-4 ounces in one sitting. 
Sleeping: For the last three weeks, Mac definitely had his days and nights mixed up. It seems as if this little "glitch" is getting better as he's giving me 3-4 hour stretches over night. The first three-ish weeks, he was waking up every hour to eat and good god, was that exhausting! He really does sleep a lot which is something that I am not used to at all! Carter never slept this much as a baby and The Husband and I are always wondering, "is he OK?" We're still co-sleeping in the guest room and have mastered side-lying nursing which is pretty much the greatest thing in the world if you ask me! Sleep for everyone!

I'm amazed at how different my two babies have been from each other. Maclane is the sweetest, most mellow baby I have ever met. He hardly cries- only fussing when he's soaked or starved. He loves his play mat time and clutching fist-fulls of both Sheepie's and my hair. 

Un-phased by tummy time, he tolerates it well, often resting his chubba cheeks on his chubba arms once he's grown tired of looking around. He loves staring at himself in the mirror and his legs and arms will pump a mile a minute when he catches a glimpse of himself!

Maclane loves hearing us talk and sing to him and it's no surprise that Carter just adores him in every little way. He's constantly by his side, kissing his hands, head and feet, offering him a pacifier (or three) and sharing his toys with him. 

Fittingly, Maclane's first trip out of the house was to Walmart, the same first-trip his brother made at just a few days old! 

Here are just a few pictures from our first monthly photo sesh:

Monthly Stickers via the incredible Haily of LucyDarlingShop!


  1. oh my gosh! I can not believe he is already a month old! It seems like he was born just yesterday! He is so freaking cute and I can wait to watch him grow!

  2. Yay for one month! My baby girl is just a few days older than Mac and I completely agree on how the month flew by. I think having more than one child makes it go even faster b/c you are that much more busy. I always describe it now as a wonderful chaos.

  3. No way! He's a month old already!? That went fast! He is adorable!

  4. He is absolutely gorgeous, AP. He is growing up so fast, and while I see Carter in him more, I also feel like he is your twin!! Can't wait for the months to come and getting to hear about his little personality! His expressions are already to. die. for.

  5. What a precious little man. I'm glad he's a good sleeper for you!

  6. Love the pictures!! I can't believe how fast time has gone by!

  7. Holy Crapola! I cannot believe he is one month old already. Kids definitely do not get the 'don't grow up so fast' memos, do they!?

  8. wow! i can't believe it's already been a month! he is too cute!

  9. Picture number 4, with the sideways glance - that is SO YOU! Haha, I just love his many expressions. So so sweet and I cannot believe he is already 4 weeks old! Happy boy!

  10. Wow I can't believe he's a month old already. He is such a cutie though. Happy 1 month Mac

  11. He's sooo cute! Can't believe he's already a month.

  12. I feel like you just wrote the announcement last week and now he is a month old! Time sure does fly...

    I swear he gets cuter every time I see a picture of him though, and is starting to look more and more like Carter:)

    You are definitely one lucky mom!!

  13. he sure is cute! love your blog by the way! :)

  14. I'm still blown away that it's been a month already!

  15. One month did FLY right by!! I love his sweet face! You should be getting something in the mail soon for little Mac Daddy!

  16. The side eye! I love the baby side eye!

  17. He is adorable! I just love that chair shot at the top! Yeah it's amazing how the time just flies by! It's crazy!

  18. A month old already!!? Wow, that was fast! So glad he's a good sleeper and chill.. I'm sure that makes it a million times easier with a toddler!

  19. he is so stinkin' cute there are no words.

  20. He is just so strikingly handsome!! Congrats AP : )

  21. He is so precious. No words. I can't believe it's been a month. Eeek. I'm halfway there, too...


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