Monday, June 25, 2012

Our First Family Meltdown

Picture the following scene, won't you?

It's shortly after 11am on Friday. 

With my belly band wound tighter than Christina Aguilera's latest weave, I make my way downstairs after what can only be described as the best shower I've ever taken, also known as The First Shower Taken In My Own Shower After Major Abdominal Surgery And Four Days In The Hospital. 

I'm suffering the first of the day's many Major Hot Flashes that simultaneously causes me to break out into a full body sweat complete with waves of nausea and leaves me freezing with my teeth set to chattering. 

Upon sensing me walk into the room, Maclane starts stirring as it's about time for his thirty-second breakfast of the day. 

Upon seeing The Husband sneak into the cabinet beneath the sink, C spots the bubbles and OHMYGOD-DID-SOMEONE-SAY-BUBBLES? He immediately starts yelling, "Bubbles? Please? Bubbles? Mom? Bubbles? Mommy? Mama? Bubs? Bubbles?" 

Maclane's stirring increases with every octave screamed louder and louder by his older brother. 

Sheepie suddenly remembers that nobody fed him breakfast. He conveniently forgets that there are other members of our household quite capable of feeding him "brunch" and has set himself to following me around the kitchen with his head shoved up my butt. 

Remember, it's shortly after 11am. 

Newborn stirring. Bubble screaming. Sheepie is starving. 

I'm sweating and nauseous. And nauseous and freezing. 

And for the love of all things there is no coffee made. 

Husband, conveniently decides now is the time to ask all about how newborns excrete bilirubin.

Under normal circumstances? I'd have indulged and gracefully explained using my vast medical knowledge. 

Instead? I cried. 

Welcome to being a family of four. I know this is the first of many family meltdowns.


  1. Oh mama I am so sorry!! I remember those first few weeks when Kelsey came home and I had meltdown after meltdown- it truly does get better and things get balanced a little better, but go ahead and let it out whenever you need to!! Lots of hugs (and chardonnay too!) xoxox

  2. sorry...
    You did exactly what I would have done...cried!

    and that's ok!!!! I remember I had a mom brain moment after having my 1st...and messed up on some catering sister in law (who was there for our pics) pulled me aside and said..."if you feel like you need to cry...just let it out"

    Sending lots of hugs, well wishes your way!!! Just have another glass of wine :-)

  3. I have already warned Ben that meltdowns from me are in his near future!! I think that's totally normal:) I've been thinking about y'all all week as you adjust from 3 to 4. At least you can indulge in an adult beverage now!! ;)

  4. Oh dear. :( I would have cried too.

  5. aw man :( I had major meltdowns when we brought our newborn home. I can't imagine dealing with a toddler too.

  6. Oh I am so sorry sweetie. I know this all too well. My first was 3 when I had the twins. I thought it would be great, but it wasn't. I too had a c-section, so I know how that feels. Ahh!

    It takes some adjusting, but it WILL get better. I promise.

  7. I can only imagine the scene in our house when we add baby #2 in September. I'm sure I'll be doing lots of crying myself! =)

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU MOMMA!!!!! You're doing great!!!!!!


  9. I'm so sorry! :o( Sadly, I still have moments like that...and my second is almost 17 months old. It does get easier but there are still times that overwhelm me. I'm hoping that's a normal thing. I tell myself it is. :o/ if it's not, I'm just some weirdo mom that randomly cries...and I'm okay with that!

  10. I'd say crying was quite appropriate at the moment. And hey at least now you've survived the first meltdown, it had to happen soon or later, right? hope you found some coffee and some baileys ;)

  11. I would have cried to. Deep breaths momma!! <3

  12. Oh I know this ALL too well. You are not alone my friend. xoxox

  13. Oh my goodness - love this story (of course, I'm sending you my sympathies via telepathy!). I actually can't imagine recovering from a c-section WITH a toddler, but I think about it often in case I end up with another section the next time around. Major points to you for this being your first meltdown - mine probably would have come the minute the hospital discharged me into the real world :)

  14. Awwwww - I can only imagine how good that shower felt after days of the hospital shower. Toddlers and dogs just don't get patience, do they?!?

    I cried last week over spilled milk - it's all good (and hormones-related!)

  15. Oh hang in there! I wish I could give you some words of encouragement but really I am just reading in horror as this is about to be my new life in less than three months! Oh boy! Sending you some hugs though...

  16. Good to hear from you! Loving all the cute pics of Maclane. He always looks so peaceful and cute. Nice to know it isn't always like that!

  17. I've had many a days like this!!! Ive got a 3 year old and 1 year old.. someone is always up my butt or screaming... some days seem like complete chaos and others are so enjoyable... it certainly gets easier as they get a little older and everyone needs some adjusting time... and I def would have been on the floor crying... been there done that! Congrats on the addition!

  18. I'm sorry :( I didn't have a c-section, but I remember the hot flashes, mood swings, crying, etc. Those postpartum hormones are no joke and I cried over everything. Knowing what to expect makes me scared to have a second child someday... you guys will get the hang of this and everything will work out :)

  19. I have so been there. Gushing tears and all. Meltdowns are perfectly acceptable, little mama.

  20. I love this post, even though I don't have kids...I love the realness...I love how raw and honest this is. You are SUCH a wonderful momma and those boys are so blessed to have you. There, of course, will be many more days like this, but always know how lucky you are! And always remember, too, that those moments will pass as quickly as they came on. Love to you, sweet friend! Thinking about you and praying for you daily--wish NJ wasn't so far away from MS so I could come be your baby nurse :)

  21. A cry is just necessary sometimes! I'm sure there will be more moments like this but very few when compared to all the amazing family-of-four moments you will have. Happy Day, M Family!

  22. Oh dear lord. I thought you could make it without the adult version of laying on the floor and wailing until you let it be known that there was a coffee shortage. Weep away. Much luck to you in the coming weeks. I'll be joining your family of four team in January. And if there's no coffee, I might just head for the hills.


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