Friday, June 8, 2012

Birth Plans :: Even For Scheduled C-Sections

I apologize ahead of time for the Baby! Baby! Baby! turn that ILYMTC has currently taken but I'd be a fool not to admit that my proverbial plate is currently overflowing with all things baby. 

Ten days. TEN DAYS!

That being said, I mentioned on Instagram this week {with a screenshot of the words "Birth Plan"} that it was something "I should probably begin working on, despite the fact that Maclane's birth is scheduled," and within minutes many of you were wondering if I would be sharing said plan on my blog.

I'd like to think that I'm an old pro at this by now- considering that my first son was born via a planned Cesarean section in July 2010. Despite that knowledge, it hasn't quite left me any less anxious. I have found, however, that by creating a straight-forward birth plan, it has helped to cut down on some of the logistical-related anxiety of the day. 

Rather than worry about this, that and the other thing on the morning that I arrive at the hospital, I can simply hand over my birth plan, answer any questions the medical team may have and be done with it, allowing my focus to then shift on the arrival of our sweet boy. 
Truth be told, I wasn't exactly planning on sharing my birth plan, but who am I to keep things from my dear Loyals, no? Not to mention that I know many of you out there are Super Duper Type-A Planners, like myself, and thrive on plans. 

So, without further a'do, here's a sampling of what my birth plan for a scheduled C-section looks like. I'll be taking a copy with me to my final doctors visit at 39 weeks next week (to be placed in my file) and will also bring 2-3 copies with me to the hospital on the day of my scheduled procedure.

If you have any questions as to "why" I have certain requests, feel free to email me at: {iloveyoumorethancarrots} at {gmail} dot {com} and I'll try my hardest to get back to you this weekend! 

Keep in mind this Plan was typed up "outline" style in Microsoft word. I won't be handing the medical team this jazzed up PicMonkey version, much to their dismay, I'm sure!


  1. Love it. We definitely didn't have a laid out plan but now I'm thinking I want to for baby number two. It's hard to make decisions in the midst of everything especially if you're emotional.

  2. I didn't do a birth plan at all for Landon. I'm glad I didn't because I wound up not needing it at all. The nurses at my hospital were amazing and basically offered me everything you're asking for concerning Maclane once he's born.

    I didn't realize you had a c-section with your first big boy who weighed the same as my big boy. I did not even though after an hour of pushing I wanted one lol :)

    10 days! So close! :D

  3. Looks like a great plan! Definitely all the same things I'd want for Baby #2, whenever he/she decides to come along. Thank you for sharing! (I am one of those Type-A, list-loving fanatics myself. ;) )

  4. OMG!!! A birth plan makes it real and makes me have flashbacks to H's birth!

    I cannot believe M2 is going to be here in 10 days!!!

    Umm love the part about giving pain meds around the 1st night nurse did not do this and M lost his shit on her!

  5. Your birth plan is awesome! PS I'm kind of in love with M2's name! Nice choice, Mama! ;)

  6. I've never had a baby so I was a little unfamiliar with this birth plan stuff- but I really liked reading that. It shows what a carrying mom you are!

  7. That's very smart of you to have scheduled pain meds vs. prn. I did the same, just with plain Tylenol with my vaginal delivery, it's so important not to let our pain get ahead of ourselves. I'm not sure if I missed something, but is there a particular reason why you're having another planned section? Also, your "I learned something new today" can be that it's spelled "adieu" as in, "without further adieu"! Thinking of you with the birth of Maclane 10 short days away!

  8. This is a wonderful plan! I do like your ideas about waiting on the eye ointment and HepB shot. If I ever have to have a C-section, I'd probably follow this exact plan! And like I said before, I felt guilty about having our newborn room in the nursery at night, but you will need your rest! And it will be such sweet sleep without all that weight on your hips. TEN DAYS! So exciting!

  9. I like this a lot. I have always wanted to know what a birth plan would look like. Thanks for the valuable information.

  10. Is it absolutely crazy that I'm all teary eyed reading this? I am just overjoyed for your sweet family and Maclane's arrival. This is such a wonderful birthplan. Thank you for sharing with us!

  11. Perfectly said! I waited on eye drops and the heel prick and one other thing. As suggested by my chiropractor who deemed those unnecessary. Good for you girl. Nothing better than a list and specific instructions. I can't believe Maclane will be here in 10 days!!! So excited!!!!

  12. I think having a birth-plan is a great idea. Especially for us mommas. I think it gives us a little bit of control in the situation, because often times I wonder if the OB RNs even read them.
    You are SO close! So happy for ya!

  13. I think this is a great plan! You've clearly thought everything through. :)

  14. Great plan, thanks for sharing it with us. I cant wait to see his sweet face :) 10 days eeekk!

  15. Even though I am totally type A, I never thought of doing a birth plan. I am done with the baby-making and mine are 13, 11, and 2.

    Luckily, I never had any complications and the doctors/nurses always let me do what I said I was going to during appointments and while in labor.

    What is the importance of waiting to do the eye drops? I honestly don't ever remember what these are for or why they get them and my youngest is only 2. Ha!

    I can't believe you only have 10 MORE days!!!

  16. There are so many things I learned from my first time. I will also probably be a planned c-section this go around. Last time I didn't get to hold my baby for the first time for HOURS!!!! 3 hours in fact. It was ridiculous. Never again! I also agree with the medication. How am I suppose to ask for it when I don't even know what's available?

  17. Love this!!! I may use a few of these--I like that you were a nurse so you totally know what goes on behind the scenes!

  18. Wow. Thank you for sharing this. I am due in July and my doctor has asked me twice if i have a birth plan. My answer has been to have a healthy baby. I now see more of my options and will be sure to talk in a little more detail about these things at my next appointment! I hope everything goes well for you guys!

  19. Your birth plan is on point, very good lady :)

  20. Thanks for posting this! I'll refer back when #2 comes along. I had an emergency C with the first, so it will definitely be a planned C with the next.

  21. Thanks for posting this! I'll refer back when #2 comes along. I had an emergency C with the first, so it will definitely be a planned C with the next.

  22. I love seeing the opposite end of the spectrum! I wish I could be more of a "type A" planner. You would faint if I told you all the chaos of our totally unplanned "birth" day. Let's just say I didn't even have a good plan as to what to do with the 18 month old if baby 2 was coming so fast I barely made it to the hospital. Imagine hearing your toddler running around the hospital hallways yelling at nurses while they are telling you it might be too late for the epidural. I think I may hire you to make me a plan next time :)

  23. Wow, that is amazing! I love your BP..even for a section delivery. Totally perfect. I would have never thought to basically "leave baby alone" until after bonding. The only thing that gets me sad about my 2 section births is that L never got the chance to cut the cord. And the fact that *I* was not the one able to take the birth pics. :P (Kinda indisposed during that time) Hahaha!

    If I ever have to have another section, a birth plan is most definitely something to think about!

    Good luck and happy (10 more days of) pregnacny!!! Ahhh....TEN.MORE.DAYS!!!! :D

  24. It's so crazy to see how different states do things. We don't even have nurseries in our hospitals anymore and the gave me the catheter after the spinal block and I also got pain meds around the clock. I thought it was common to do things this way, but I guess not! Sounds like you've thought everything through, and I'll probably refer to this when doing my next birth plan. I hope everything goes smoothly for you and he won't have to spend any time in the NICU.

  25. I love that you did this. The sad thing is I had some of those very same desires and only communicated them orally and it wasn't enough. Next time (YES there will be a next time, husband ;)) I will FOR SURE be putting it all in writing. I wish that Doctors were more forthcoming about how to do this.

  26. Great plan! Hopefully everything goes smoothly.

    I didn't have a written birth plan and despite some complications I was happy overall with how things went all things considered. My husband was able to hold the baby the whole time I was being sewn up after my emergency Csection and he very smartly waited to announce the baby's arrival and name to our family's until after I got to recovery and was able to hold him myself which was about 45 minutes after he was born. I know our families were going nuts.

  27. Why the delay on the Hep B shot? Just curious. And since I learn everything I need to know about parenting from social media ;) ...teach me, Nurse AP!

  28. I never did a birth plan and I never even knew what to PUT on a birth plan. We lucked out last time and had a fantastic experience... but this time I will be asking to hold our little one immediately rather than have to wait like I did last time.

  29. I'm not really sure why, but this just seriously got me all warm and fuzzy inside and I totally almost cried. Almost, ALMOST made me want to have another....ALMOST. Not quite though. LOL!!! I wish you all the luck in the world for an easy and quick recovery and that everything goes as planned and that Baby Maclane comes out beautiful and healthy for you guys!! Can't wait to "meet" the little guy on his first blog appearance!

  30. I totally agree that a birth plan is needed for a planned c-section! I had an unplanned c-section with my son, and I wish I had included the possibility of a c-section in my original birth plan. I'm a planner, and planners need plans! (can I say any variation of "plan" any more in this paragraph?!)

    Also love that the baby will be in the nursery at night. Hardcore peeps say the baby HAS to stay with you ALL the time - I'm happy that I relented and sent Ben to the nursery at night so I could get some sleep and start recovering. And you know what? It had zero negative impact on breastfeeding - he was a champ from the beginning, so don't let "them" scare you! Anyway, go you! The countdown is on!

  31. Love the list--I know I will definitely be making one whenever it's my turn to be a momma. I'm a new follower (and new to the blog world) and would love for you to check out my blog!

  32. I'd really like to get the mini organizer and the eyeglass case!

  33. Yay! I wanted to see this!! I think that's an amazing, straight forward birth plan. I definitely think those are probably the exact same things I would like when we have our next baby. It will have to be a scheduled c/s, as well.

    You're probably seeing I'm doing a little catch up on your blog! Sorry I've been a bad commenter and reader but I have thought about you, especially seeing your instagram. Baby here any minute!!!

  34. Thanks for laying this out so diligently. I will DEFINITELY use this if we ever have kids and need C-sections!


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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