Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

If I'm jumping on a train, it might as well be the Thankful one, right?

I've come across so many wonderful, fun and inspirational blogs that have included this in their weekly posts and after some personal reflection, I thought it would be nice to take a few moments each week and really concentrate on what I am grateful for. Here goes...(And I promise to try and not be too repetitive (or too serious!) each week!)

my God-sent Darling Husband who makes me laugh every day

my wonderful and quirky family that will never let me forget my roots

the little "ahhh" moments and the simpler things in life
like finding the perfect herbal tea flavor or not having to wake-up
and de-ice my windshield at dark o' clock in the morning

my job, espcially during these uneasy, unstable economic times
and the fantastic women that i work with

Sully and the laughter he brings to our empty house (while Hubs is traveling)
the Farmer's Market that's within walking distance of my house

my three-day work week and three-day weekend this week

and cheddar-blasted Goldfish snacks. (Mmm, tasty!)

Happy Thursday!

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