Tuesday, March 27, 2012

27 Weeks, A Wedding and The Man-Sickies.

Whew. I have a couple of confessions to make. 

First, it was never my intention to suddenly disappear from my little slice of the Internets. After all, it's a rare occasion that I go missing around these parts for more than a couple of days and even though I've only been gone since Wednesday, the "Ahh, Are You OK?" emails have already begun to pour in. 

Second, I have done a terrible, horrible job at documenting this pregnancy. Like, beyond terrible. I could very well win the award for Most Awful Job At Documenting Said Second Pregnancy. 

Fortunately, it's been a combination of the beautiful weather we've been having, my earnest attempt at Soaking Up The Moments and Finding Balance and my beautiful, finally-official, brand-new sister-in-love's wedding weekend that had been keeping me away from the computer.

And a horrific case of The Man-Sickies. However, I'll get to that in a bit. I can already feel the bile rising in my throat at the mere mention of the plague.

The low-down, just one week shy of my third trimester: 

Total Weight Gained?: Full disclosure? Twenty-five pounds. Seriously. Despite running my tush off after The Crazy Toddler Wildebeest, I've still managed to pack on the ol' el-bees. However, if this baby follows his Big Brother's lead, which according to my doctor appears to be the case, we're in for another nearly-ten pound newborn.  

Sleep: Kind of awful. I'm up once or twice per night to use the little girl's room and another couple of times because the pain in my hips is killer.  

Best Moment of the Week? Fitting into my {heavily altered by the grace of God and magic hands at David's Bridal} bridesmaid dress for my newest sister-in-love's wedding and pretty much rocking it, if I do say so myself. 

Movement? All the time. So much so that it's slightly uncomfortable at times.  

Food Craving? Juice. Seltzer with lime. Really, really ice cold drinks in my Tervis Tumbler.

What I miss? Once again, in the spirit of full disclosure, I miss non-pregnant clothes. Being skinny. And drinking and ice cold beer (or three). 

What I'm looking forward to: The office-turned-new-nursh has been cleaned out. The carpets vacuumed. C's Big Boy bed has been picked up and delivered to Maryland and we'll begin painting the new nursery and changing out the crib in April. M2's crib bedding has arrived and The Husband is in charge of rebuilding the interior closet. 

But M2 remains nameless. Baby steps, right? 

Moving on- let's talk about what it takes to go from the above picture to this: 

If you guessed spackle, putty, some string, a little bit of tape and a pair of false eyelashes? You'd be spot on. 

All kidding aside, I'm so thankful that I wasn't So Pregnant that I couldn't enjoy the incredible weekend and celebration of my newest sister-in-love's wedding. I don't need to tell you that she looked absolutely stunning, that I danced my Tory Thora's off or that people actually laughed at the joint toast given by myself and The Husband. That all goes without saying. 

But I will share just one more picture of the bride, just so you can see her in all of her newlywed-ed bliss and glory. Gorgeous, no?

And so the M Boys are married off and our little in-law family is complete! 

Speaking of M Boys, I should have been writing this post from the comforts of my little desk in the playroom of our home in Maryland, but when The Husband wakes up at 7am, the estimated time of departure and doesn't leave the bathroom until several hours later, all kinds of inhuman, guttural noises emanating from beneath the bathroom door, all plans are off as C and I took to running for the hills. 

Or rather, the nearest CVS to stock up on pedialyte, gatorade, lysol wipes, pepto and immodium. Poor Husby. As of right now, it looks like we'll be staying in New Jersey for an undetermined amount of time. 

Happy Tuesday, Loyals. Stay tuned for an incredible skin care line review, down right adorable kid's clothing review and giveaway and the introduction of some pretty amazing April Sponsors!  

.... Anybody have an extra Haz-Mat suit lying around?


  1. Hi Ashley,
    I just wondered if you have thought of going to a chiropractor for your hip pain. I am studying to be a birthing doula, and aside form studying, I know from several years of experience on my own, that chiropractic adjustments really help.
    If you freak out at the "popping" sounds, they have different techniques for adjusting your body so it doesn't feel like they are breaking bones :) I personally LOVE to hear the popping and cracking... it feels like something is being accomplished! :)

    Anywho, love the blog, keep up the good work momma!

  2. Biznitch, you don't even look preggie from the front! I love KL's dress & you all are the cutest bunch of SILs I ever did see!

    PS - Someone above me mentioned a chiro? That's the only way I was able to WALK in my 3rd tri! You just have to make sure they have prenatal experience :)

  3. Girl you look hot! You are totally rocking this pregnancy.

    Gorgeous wedding and im glad you got to enjoy it...even without adult beverages.

    Hope you Husby feels better.

  4. You look stunning! I was in one of my best friends' weddings at 38 weeks pregnant and was wearing the most GOD AWFUL green dress known to man (And I actually posted pictures of it yesterday.. what was I thinking?!) - But what a beautiful family you have :)! We've got flu-like symptoms floating around this house too and I hope that you and the little one (both of them!) are able to stay healthy!

  5. Beautiful dress! You did not look pregnant from the front in that first photo.. jealous! You look great. I looked like a beached whale at 27 weeks. Ahh! Feel better...

  6. You looked beautiful! Since I'm from new jersey, I'm secretly loving that you're stuck here- don't tell the hubby.

  7. You don't even look preggers in the wedding pictures! Love these posts, they're super helpful.

  8. Oh no! Stomach bugs are the worst!! Hope he feels better soon!

  9. Girlfriend you ROCKED that bridesmaid dress! Hot mama - heck, you cant even tell your pregnant in that dress. Those M boys snagged up hot ones for sure. Glad you enjoyed yourselves!!!!

    Chiro saved me during last tri - I had horrible hip & back pain and that was the only way I could sleep!

    Poor hubby! Praying no one else gets it and he feels better soon!!!

  10. You are pretty much the most beautiful preggo bridesmaid ever!!!

  11. Lady, you TOTALLY rocked that bridesmaid dress. You look fabulous and the bride was gorgeous as well! Love family weddings :)

  12. STAY AWAY FROM M! The stomach bug scares the bejeebers out of me! Like, to the point of obsession. I hope he's better soon!

    AND----MOMMA- I've said it before, but I'll say it again, YOU LOOK FABULOUS! ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! Agree with Erin- don't even look pg from the front! Way to go momma! That 25 lbs is looking good!

    I'd have loved to hear that speach! I'm sure it was priceless!!!!

    Hope y'all have fun in NJ!


  13. You look gorge! Such a good looking family!

  14. The dress turned out great...you look fabulous!

  15. You look so pretty! I was in my best friends wedding when I was 24 weeks pregnant with my soon to be 9lb 9 oz baby and luckily the dresses she picked out were so flattering on my big ol' bump.

  16. You looked gorg & I agree with everyone else you don't look pregnant from the front.

    Hope your hubs feels better soon

  17. I know I told you on Twitter that you looked so gorgeous! But seriously lady!!! Its not even fair how gorgeous you look! You rocked that dress! Sorry about the husband sickies...men are the worst when sick! Good luck!!

  18. You look amazing! I can't even tell where those 25 lbs are!

  19. You seriously don't even look pregnant!!!! Hope Mr AP feels better!!!

  20. You look great and the bride is stunning as well! :)

  21. Girl that dress looks great on you at 27 weeks pregnant! And that photo of you is great too, so skinny but with a belly. I feel like my weight is now all over and I feel like a heifer, at nearly 22 weeks. I'm screwed. I have a lot of fat days and I'm not a fan of that.

  22. Such a hot family in-law. Adorable boys and beautiful girls. Those are going to be some magazine-worthy wedding photos. Hot mama - all those lbs are in your tummy (and if you're like me - your boobies!).

  23. Girlfriend you look absolutely freaking fantastic!!!! What a gorgeous family you all are!! You totes rocked the pregger MOH in style!! Hot style! And is there footage of you and M giving a joint toast because that would be incredible to watch!! Hope M feels better ASAP! Stomach buggies are the worst!! Xoxo

  24. You looked amazing! Hope the husband gets to feeling better soon. You guys have one great looking family!

  25. You look beautiful!!! Way to rock that dress!

  26. Such beautiful pictures! Love the photographs and so pretty with the pregnancy belly in the wedding LOVE it! I love that you love YOGA an cupcakes!! So true gotta have the mix!

  27. You look so beautiful and I love the colors the bride chose for the dresses.

  28. You are one sexy mama biotch. You're looking so good. And wait ... nameless? AGAIN? I thought we had agreed?

  29. you looking freaking fantastic. no lie, i did a little happy dance when wedding pictures popped up in my facebook feed the other day. what a gorgeous wedding! and the bride? holy stunning. way to rock the moh duties love.

  30. My word..if I looked even remotely that cute pregant the 2nd time around....

    You all look so great in the photos...love the dresses!

  31. Oh my word! We had nearly the same thing happen to us a year ago! My SIL got married this same weekend a year ago. My husband got sick (at the inlaws) early Sunday morning. We did make it home later that day. However, on Tuesday night I started feeling bad while I was at school late for a meeting. I got sick that night and missed the rest of the week because I refused to eat until I knew it had passed! I blame it all on the kid that came to hubby's class who was sick & got him sick. I still want to find the guy and throat-punch him! I HATE being sick like that! I was reliving this last night because I had the exact same school meeting last night. I hope you all feel much better soon!

  32. You are a radiant bridesmaid! Glad you were able to have fun even with a bumpie!

  33. So glad you are back. I was about to be sending you one of those "ARE YOU OK?" emails. :) You look gorgeous mama! Hope the hubs starts feeling better asap!

  34. You looked gorgeous!! I wore the exact same style dress for a wedding when I was about as far along as you (except it was tea length)... I think it's the perfect style for a pregnant lady.

  35. You don't even look preggers from the front! You look great!


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