Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'm Gonna Get My Bliss On! .... Are You!? Who's In?

Gonna Get My Bliss On at Blissdom!

So, in just under 45 days, I'll be leaving C-face and The Husband behind to board a large plane bound for a weekend in Nashville. What's there, you ask? Oh, just this tiny little blogging conference known as Blissdom

Not only will it be the first time I'm EVER leaving C-face overnight, but it's also the very first blogging conference I'll be attending in the 3+ years that I've been writing I Love You More Than Carrots. Let's just say that I've never been SO excited and yet so nervous to attend a conference in my entire life. Why?

Because I'm looking forward to meeting and connecting with so many of the amazing women that I've been reading, sharing stories with and finding inspiration from over these past few years. I'm also looking forward to meeting and connecting with so many new women bloggers as well! 

Good god, I hope everyone likes me. 

Nervous first-timer butterflies aside, I've been doing a little bit of research into the schedule of events and what I'll need to pack with me for the weekend. 

For instance, I already know I'll need a pretty, little fun black dress for Girl's Night Out and some rockin' pajamas or something equally stylish and comfortable for Girl's Night In. I've read about the necessity for comfortable flats because the Opryland Hotel is apparently ginormous. Of course I'll be bringing along my trusty DSLR, as that baby rarely ever leaves my side. 

But what about the other stuff? What are some must-haves and don't forgets? 

I read somewhere that I'll need business cards- roughly 250 of them! Now, I love me some personalized stationary, but what exactly goes on them? I mean, obviously my blog name and social media links, but what else? 

C'mon, help a newbie sistah, out! I know I can't be the only one with these questions, right? 

Have you written about your experience at Blissdom in the past? Shared perhaps your two cents on packing, planning and having a blast? Link up your posts here and let all of us newcomers sneak a peek into what it takes to plan a successful first Blissdom trip! 


  1. Thanks for writing this! Blissdom will be my first conference in 3+ years of blogging and it's a little overwhelming! Can't wait to come back and read the link-ups and comments!

  2. Looks fun. Have a blast! I would love to go to Nashville.

  3. I'm so jealous! Have a blast!!

  4. Ooooh, so jealous! One day I'll be a big girl blogger and go to one of these shindigs. Have fun, take lots of pictures for us little people!

  5. I've been to BlogHer twice (not Blissdom) and a small one day conference in Chicago. My cards have my real name, my blog URL, my blog email & my Twitter name on them. Some people create QR codes and have them put on their cards, but I'm not that fancy.

    My only advice is to wear comfy shoes (SERIOUSLY) and if you are sharing a room, bring a power strip for the outlets. Bloggers have lots of things to plug in. I don't know how swag works at Blissdom, but after BlogHer I needed extra space in my bags to bring my goodies home.

    You'll have a great time!

  6. Yay for your first Bliss!

    Ashley at My Front Porch Swing and I are doing a series on preparing for Blissdom. Her post today is about what goes on your blog cards:

  7. Hey girl I went to Blissdom last year and I am going this year. Im writing a post coming up called "What do expect at Blissdom" so def be on the lookout. For Business cards mine has my blog name, my name, url, twitter handle, and this year I may add my pinterest to it. Also my email address. Bring your laptop/phone charger during the day time. Also take a sweater with you everywhere, clothes that layer are great cause that hotel is freezing. I thought the dinners weren't very good so make time to eat somewhere in the hotel before the night events. Also, comfortable shoes(flats, boots, uggs, toms). OK I wrote you a novel. Let me know any other questions you have.

  8. I've just attended BlogHer, but I would pack a dressier/cute outfit for dinner on Thursday night (if you decide to eat out in Nashville), obviously something for GNO and then something for GNI.

    My business cards have my email, blog address, full name, twitter name and Facebook page. They actually look like my blog header, but that's obviously not a requirement. :)

    I'd wear very comfortable shoes and think about dressing in layers. Cardigans, cute jackets, etc.You just never know what the temperature in those rooms will be like.

    Bring everything you need to blog from the conference. I also like to do an introductory post about me/my blog while at the conference so anyone I meet while at the conference can get a bit of a taste of what my blog is about in that post.

  9. What a great post!

    My cards have my name, blog address, email, twitter, and Facebook. I also added a QRcode for fun. Some people make dry creative business cards that actually have (small) swag on them. Last year at Blogher, made Blogher survival kits with bandages, safety pins, chocolate, and gum, among other things :)

  10. I can't wait to meet you! and I'm looking forward to seeing what others have to say about it and what to bring/do.

  11. I'll be there, too, for the first time! I'm so nervous...been trying to read up so I know what to expect. It'll be my first time flying by myself, and that's the part I think I'm most freaked out about! Here's a link to some Blissdom travel tips...

  12. Thank you for posting this! I would love some advice as well! This is my first time going to a blog conference, and I couldn't be anymore thrilled!

  13. I'm not attending a blog conference but I do have to make my own business cards for my Scentsy business and so I wanted to suggest that you use Vista Print! You can start by getting 250 business cards for FREE (you pay shipping)


  14. Just reading all the comments makes me feel nervous about preparing and I'm not even going! Have fun and tell us all about it!

  15. I've never been to a blogging conference but this sounds so fun! Have a great time!

  16. Oh, I'm so excited for you and SO jealous that I can't go this year!! Good pluck with the planning!

  17. For Girls' Night In, two words: footie pajamas.

  18. SO jealous you get to go! I so want in next year :)

  19. Gah! I am so jealous!!! I really want to go!!!

  20. What fun, I'm so excited for you. I would to go but don't have the moolah to fly to Nashville.

    Maybe BlogHer when it comes to NYC this year. :)

  21. I am going, and I canNOT wait! I've ordered my cards to pass out and have been reading everything I can trying to prep! Any and all advice is super helpful! Oh geez, don't even get me started on what to wear!!!!! Eeeeeek! Hope I'll get to officially meet you!

  22. I am jealous! I may go next year! I just moved from Nashville to Dallas. I loved living in Nashville and yes, the Opryland hotel is HUGE. Have fun!


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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