Thursday, January 30, 2014

Do You Shop At Target And Love Saving Money?

Then you need to read this post! 

I should be ashamed that one of Maclane’s first one hundred words was “Target,” but the truth is, I’m not. I’m not ashamed in the least. Why? Because let’s face it, Target is much like Disneyland in that it’s one of the happiest places on earth. Don't let that face fool you.

There’s just something about strolling through those large silver doors, making a pit stop for a cake pop and heading right for the dollar spot that puts a smile on everyone’s face.  Whether it’s a forgotten ingredient in that evening’s dinner, a birthday present for one of Carter’s pre-school buddies or a new shower curtain set of candles throw pillow coffee mug maternity top for this ever-growing belly of mine, Target has become our go-to shopping spot for all of the above.

What’s even more to love about Target is that it recently rolled out a brand new app, the Target Cartwheel app, which allows shoppers to save even more on their purchases without having to clip a single coupon. This savings is in addition to any other available Target discounts or coupons, manufacturers’ coupons and their REDcard discount!

I’ve been using the Cartwheel app for a little over two months now and each time I shop, I save, on average, upwards of $15-20 and this is on items that we use every day. Things like groceries, diapers, vitamins and household cleaning products.

For a busy mom who rarely has the time, energy and focus to sit clipping coupons (and let’s face it, the wherewithal to remember to bring them along to the store), this app had made such a difference in how we shop. Most trips I pull up into a parking space, glance over our shopping list and before stepping out of the car, log into the app and begin compiling my “cartwheel” of useful coupons.

One of my favorite features of the app is a single bar code that is generated by the offers selected and is unique to each user. It is this single bar code that the cashier must scan at checkout making the offers valid on purchases made. Talk about quick and easy!
Some other neat features to note about the Target Cartwheel app:

o   Cartwheel can be used on your desktop, tablet, mobile web or iPhone and Droid apps.
o   Using either the iPhone or Droid apps, shoppers can scan any bar code in store to see if that item has a Cartwheel offer available.
o   Guests are able to use their Facebook login to sign up with Cartwheel. This enables them to see what offers their friends have on their Cartwheel lists in the app! If you do not want your offers posted to Facebook, this can easily be managed in the app’s privacy settings.
o   Multi-use offers- shoppers are able to use any offer on their list as many times as they wish until the offer expires, with the following exceptions: limit of 4 items per offer, per transaction; limit of 6 Cartwheel scans per day. For instance, if there was an offer for 10% off 20 ounce bottles of Diet Coke, a shopper could purchase 4 bottles of Diet Coke in one transaction and the offer would be applied to all 4 bottles. That same shopper could do this up to 6 times in order day, for a total of 24 bottles of Diet Coke. 

If you like shopping at Target and love saving money, then you need to start using Cartwheel. You won’t regret it!  

Answer the following question in the comments section below and be entered to win a $1,000 Target GiftCard®! 

What is your favorite feature of the brand new Target Cartwheel app?

Sweepstakes Rules: No duplicate comments. You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
  1. Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
  2. Tweet (public message) about this promotion; including exactly the following unique term in your tweet message: “#SweepstakesEntry”; and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
  3. Blog about this promotion, including a disclosure that you are receiving a sweepstakes entry in exchange for writing the blog post, and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
  4. For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. The notification email will come directly from BlogHer via the sweeps@blogher email address. You will have 72 hours to respond; otherwise a new winner will be selected.

The Official Rules are available here.

This sweepstakes runs from 1/30 - 2/28.

Be sure to visit the Target Cartwheel brand page on where you can read other bloggers’ posts!


  1. The savings, duh. I mean, for things that I actually buy, like diapers {Target brand are our favorite!} and wipes, and home goods and clothes. And cleaning supplies. I also have bought furniture. I got my already on sale desk for over half off, courtesy of Cartwheel, and my new end tables? Basically buy one, get one +diapers, FREE! A HUGE fan of Cartwheel!

  2. Cartwheel is. my. jam. Every Saturday morning, I'm at Target at 8am when the doors first open, having spent a good hour the night before to scroll through my Cartwheel and flag any new items that I need... okay, that I want. There are few things better when shopping than showing my Cartwheel to get my discounts, and THEN swiping my RedCard. Add a stop at Starbucks on my way out the door, and it's like the gods are allowing me to justify the fact that I cannot ever leave that store having spent less than $75. Love this!

  3. Well of course I love the savings but more so- I love having it all on my phone and not having to actually clip and organize and pull out coupons! When taking 3 kids to Target and my purse and my list, its so much easier to just whip out my phone and have the clerk scan it and be done. Plus I enjoy finding clothes that are on sale to give me a new wardrobe at cheaper prices!

  4. I love that I always have it with me - I forget my coupons sometimes, but usually not my phone!

  5. I love that you can scan a bar code to see if the item you need has a coupon, instead of browsing through every category. So convenient!

  6. I love that you can scan items as you go - I try to go into Target with a set list & plan but often get side tracked into buying much, much more than planned! Being able to scan an item and instantly see if I can save more it so cool! If it shows a yes it goes straight into my cart - if it scans no, it will still most likely go into my cart. I LOVE Target!

  7. I always like the Simply brand for snacks for my son!

  8. I love that you can use the Carthwheel app on top of manufacturer and store coupons! We've saved so much money with our Cartwheel the past few months! Just about everything we buy has a coupon now, it's great!

  9. My favorite feature is that I can just use my phone and not have to cut and keep a bunch of paper coupons. So convenient!

  10. No need to keep up with paper coupons!!!

  11. I love that you can scan the barcodes to see if there is a coupon, in the beginnning it was harder to look through the whole list so that new feature is great!

  12. I love that you can search by category!! That way I can go right to groceries or toys and know what has an additional discount! :)

  13. I love this Cartwheel app! I have already saved over $50 from just basically playing around on my phone. I use the app like a game to see how much I can save. If you shop at Target, this app is a must! My favorite new feature is the 'scan a barcode'. I can just scan an item and it will automatically tell me if there are any cartwheel savings.

  14. I would love to have the new Target Cartwheel app, but unfortunately, my phone doesn't support it. Bummer. :-(

  15. i love that it can be used from my phone! so easy and i don't have to worry about keeping up with coupons!

  16. I like how you can use the offers multiple times!!

  17. I love the simplicity of it and how you don't have to worry about carrying paper coupons with you - because I always forget them at home or if I bring them I forget to use them.

  18. I love that you can use offers multiple times and that it's so easy to just search and add something to one of my spots while I'm shopping!

  19. I've been using this app for awhile now and I love that I don't have to clip paper coupons, I can do it all right on my phone and I can use some of the coupons multiple times. I also love the social aspect so I can see what my friends (and fellow moms) are saving money on as well.

  20. I love that I don't need to clip coupons to save, and that it offers savings on items I regularly use!

  21. I love that you can still use Cartwheel even if you don't have a data plan.

  22. I love the grocery section! I always take a look to see what fresh fruit, veggies, or other items have coupons that I can use on top of my normal grocery shopping!

    So easy, it's awesome.

  23. I love that I can just show my phone to the clerk, and they'll scan it. I don't have to remember any coupons that are in my "finance binder" that I never have with me. I always have my phone so I always have Cartwheel! That sounds like an ad... I should be on TV. :)

  24. I love the scanner function on the Cartwheel app and the fact you can use some coupons more than once! It's awesome!

  25. I love that the offers are always changing. Usually if there's something I need not offered on Cartwheel, I know it will probably roll around in the next week or two. And since I'm in Target every other day, I don't mind waiting for new offers!

  26. I love how easy it is to see what new coupons are available. Whether I'm planning ahead or already in the store, this app allows me to get a better deal!

  27. I love how easy it is to use the app! Whether I've planned ahead or am already in the store, the Target Cartwheel app allows me to get a better deal than if I didn't have it!

  28. i've never used it! but i've just downloaded it :)

  29. i've never used it, but i've just downloaded it!

  30. I LOVE the cartwheel app. I love that it's just on my phone and I don't have to carry around coupons. I'm horrible at that.

  31. I love that you can search by category!!!

  32. I love that you can search by category!!

  33. Love that you can use offers more than once!

  34. I absolutely can not live without my cartwheel. Right now if you buy two boxes of up and up diapers, you get a $10 gift card plus use your cartwheel and get 10% off AND if you have the target debit card you get an additional 5% off everything. It is such a deal! Stock up on diapers now!

  35. I love that you can search for coupons as you're shopping! Nothing like going into the store to pick up something you need anyways and find out you can save some money!

  36. I LOVE this app! Mostly, I like scrolling through before I go shopping so I know what I "must" buy that day. :)

  37. I LOVE the Cartwheel app! I think my favorite part is the convenience and ease of the app, itself. I can search for anything that is on my list to buy and if it's there, add it...if its not available for savings, usually something else close to original item I wanted is so that's awesome!!!! I also love having a widget for the app on my phone, so when it comes time to check out theres no opening the app, I can just swipe over 3 pages and there is my personal barcode!!!

  38. I love the convenience of the app, but most of all I love the savings that come from it!


  40. LOVE Cartwheel! My favorite part is that I can actually get discounts on items I'm already buying. So many times, coupons aren't applicable to what my family needs, but with Cartwheel that isn't an issue anymore!

  41. Love that the savings are for stuff that you actually need or want.

  42. I love a lot about it. But mostly that I can do it online at work (whoops), home, in the car, or even in the store! I also like how you can print it out and bring it with you so it's almost like a check list of what I need. I may have more "badges" than I would like to admit :)

  43. I just downloaded the app recently and I love how it tells me about deals that I wouldn't normally know about. And it can separate it out so you can look for certain things!

  44. I really love that I can use it on my tablet since I don't have a smartphone.

  45. i love the ability to scan items and find discounts in the store

  46. tweeted

  47. We don't have the cartwheel app on our phones...wish we did though. My husband and I just bought a house and I would LOVE to be able to travel through Target and not worry about breaking the bank. ;)

  48. I love the badges. It's fun to try to meet the challenges!

  49. I just recently downloaded the app but love that you can scan things in store to see if there is a deal. And that you can combine the savings. That is awesome to do!

  50. I love EVERYTHING about it!!! I love that I put things in my Cartwheel that I "may need" and scan it (just in case I missed something) and save $10+! I have saved $81.52 so far using this app and I LOVE IT!!! I have lost 40lbs in the last three months and had an interview last Tuesday morning. I tried clothes on the night before (poor planning) and NOTHING fit! Seriously, my pants feel off just walking around. Not professional. So I ran to target and spent $60 on $150 worth of stuff with in-store savings, Cartwheel, and my REDcard.Best Store ever. It's like my crack (at least I imagine so as I've never done crack... I'm just addicted to Target :))

  51. I love EVERYTHING about it!!! I love that I put things in my Cartwheel that I "may need" and scan it (just in case I missed something) and save $10+! I have saved $81.52 so far using this app and I LOVE IT!!! I have lost 40lbs in the last three months and had an interview last Tuesday morning. I tried clothes on the night before (poor planning) and NOTHING fit! Seriously, my pants feel off just walking around. Not professional. So I ran to target and spent $60 on $150 worth of stuff with in-store savings, Cartwheel, and my REDcard.Best Store ever. It's like my crack (at least I imagine so as I've never done crack... I'm just addicted to Target :))

  52. I love the the savings on things I already would have been buying there like diapers and wipes!

  53. I may have just sent the same comment twice (the one about how much I love this app)... ah well... here's this one too! I'll just write you 10,000 comments today I guess ;)

  54. I love this app! No busy mom has time to fish out the coupons from her massive bag! I love taking care of our family budget, and this app makes it seamless and easy!

  55. I like that you can use it on top of manufacturer and store coupons.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  56. tweet:

  57. I cannot live without my Cartwheel App. I love that I can combine it with weekly ads, my target card and any other offers. Target is my happy place!

  58. No clipping coupons and it is TARGET!

  59. I love the ease of use, like you said I can do it quickly in the car! Its great!!

  60. My favorite (other than ALL of the amazing savings) is def. the baby essentials! After just welcoming our first baby this past October, it's been such a money saver for the little things that we've needed along the way!! Love this app., and would die for N extra $1,000!

  61. Have had the app for awhile, It makes shopping for baby and preschooler items so much more fun knowing I will be saving money!

  62. I love that I never have to worry about "forgetting the coupons at home!" Instant savings with my phone {which I ALWAYS have on hand!}

  63. I love how EASY it is to add multiple items (that I would buy, anyway, but hello, extra savings), and with one scan, I shave dollars off of my total...on top of my red card. Boom. :) Love me some Target.

  64. I love that you can stack the cartwheel coupons with manufacturer's coupons and the 5% red card discount!!

  65. Love the ease and convenience and that i can use it on my iPhone or my husband's droid. So much easier.

  66. I love that the app tells me how much I've saved over time. Such a good feeling to see those monies pile up!

  67. I love having all the savings on my phone and not having to deal with coupons. I used to clip coupons but always left them at home!

  68. My favorite thing is that it's an excuse to shop at Target more!

  69. I love me some Target - and especially Cartwheel!

  70. I like that you can scan any bar code in store to see if that item has a Cartwheel offer available.


  72. I love how you don't have to remember 500 coupons and bulk up your wallet!

  73. I love that I don't have to carry bulky coupons everywhere!

  74. I love the barcode scanner to find if the product you want to purchase has a coupon. :-)
    amabbate at

  75. I love that they send email reminders of upcoming savings....sometimes as much as 40%!! I've saved $150 in 4 months!! :)

  76. I love that all of my Target Cartwheel coupons are available at the register with just one scan of the barcode. I don't have to worry about keeping up with paper coupons, and I don't have to show multiple emails/websites to get the deals, like I do with other stores. With Cartwheel, all of my discounts are right there on one app with just one barcode for them all. So easy and convenient!

  77. I just started using the Cartwheel app and I think my favorite thing so far is that you get extra savings on top of sale prices in the store!

  78. The savings and accessibility! So simple to use!

  79. It's sooooo flippin' easy to use! Husband drawback though -- it may possibly make me feel better about spending money on things that I only kinda need ;)

  80. I love how easy it is to customize the coupons to my shopping list! I of course add more things to my list after browsing through the app because they're on sale! How could I not??

  81. I love having everything on my phone and being able to quickly add items to my Cartwheel that Target advertises in the store. Last week I scored baby wipes for $.90/each by combining the Cartwheel with the Target sale. WHOOP. Love it. :)

  82. I am downloading this!!!

  83. I love how mobile friendly the app is!!

  84. I love the barcode scanner and the fact that this exists!!

  85. the scannable barcode

    dlatany at gmail dot com


    dlatany at gmail dot com

  87. i love the cartwheel app!! i like the feature that lets you know when your coupon is expiring soon

  88. tweeted about the giveaway!

  89. I like that it alerts you to sales items that you buy and like. Also, you can receive more discounts with the app, saving even more money.


  91. Thanks so much for sharing this APP. I love that you can use them along with other coupons. How fun to be able to save even more money.

  92. Thanks so much for sharing this APP. I love that you can use it in conduction with other coupons. How fun to be able to save even more money.

  93. Can't wait to download the Cartwheel app! Great savings and it's super easy....I always have my phone!

  94. Love the cartwheel app! A great way to save money and super easy!! No clipping coupons and I always have my iphone.

  95. I LOVE the Cartwheel app so much...I love that it's on my phone and that I can easily add or delete stuff while I'm in the store!

  96. Thank you for sharing this!!! I am downloading this NOW. Love the barcode feature!

  97. I LOVE that I can combine discounts!

  98. I love how simple it is to use and that you can just scan an item and see if an offer is available.

    Thank you for the chance to win this!


  99. I love how simple it is to use and that you can just scan an item and see if an offer is available.

    Thank you for the chance to win this!


  100. Tweeted:


  101. I love that I can walk around the store and add things as I see them. I have already saved almost $100 using the app!

  102. I love the fact that target has coupons now! But I think of them as "fancy coupons" where they can never be lost and are all in one phone. Love the cartwheel app! Also I especially love that they give good discounts for kids clothes!

  103. I love all the different ways to search do sort on the Cartwheel app.

  104. I love the cartwheel app! It is so easy and convenient to use with it being right on my phone! I plan on saving even more money with my 4th baby on the way!

  105. I love the cartwheel app! It is so convenient being right on my phone and helps save my family so much money! I love the variety of things they have to choose from on the app we can always find something we need! It will come on even more handy when my 4th baby on the way!

  106. I like that you can use Target coupons with manufacturer coupons.

  107. I love that you can scan to apply the savings

  108. Tweeted

  109. I love the variety of products on cartwheel.

  110. You can stack savings/coupons - woohoo!
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  111. Love Cartwheel! The search feature is awesome. I use coupons all the time, and it saves our family lots of money. I like using it on clothes, baby things, groceries- everything! If I won, I'd love to buy furniture/home decor.


  112. I love that the coupons can be used multiple times! :)

  113. I love the ease of saving money using the app. It couldn't be any simpler!!

  114. This is a great giveaway and Target is a great place to shop at.

  115. I love the accumulated discounts you can get out of it.

  116. Target is a great place to shop and to save money.

  117. I like that I can use any offer on their list as many times as I wish

  118. I think the alerts are great for forgetful moms! I also like the tally - it's nice to see how much you save!

    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com


    I tweeted!

    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

  120. I don't have a device that uses apps. I love finding home decor items at Target.
    lazybones344 at gmail dot com

  121. I like that all the coupons combine and the checker only needs to scan once, which will speed up check out.

  122. my favorite feature is being able to scan any item to see if there's a coupon available.

  123. I like that you can stack coupons.

  124. My favorite feature of Cartwheel is that you can stack coupons!!! That makes the app even more useful because you can take whatever you have coupons for and quickly add the Cartwheel coupons too! Love it! :)

  125. Tweeted :) -

  126. Does anyone say "no" to that post title???

    Also, just got started with Cartwheel a couple months ago and i am obsessed.

  127. I love that no paper is required - just scan my phone and voila! Instant savings!
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

  128. My favorite feature of the brand new Target Cartwheel app is that you can scan bar codes in the store to find a good deal. Thanks for the giveaway!

  129. I tweeted:

  130. The best part is having access to savings without having to buy a newspaper

  131. i like that you can scan items at the store to see if there is a discount
    stigay at

  132. I tried the app out this weekend and loved it! My favorite part was the obvious - the savings! I saved 5% on three different items, on top of the 5% from using my red card. Love!

  133. LOVE the Cartwheel app, and of course love Target. My 2 year old son calls it the "red store". After coming home from the hospital when he was born, it was the first outing he went on at like a day old. Lol. :)


  134. I love that it's all on my phone, because even if I remember to get the coupons in my pocket I still forget to give them to the cashier, but my hone is always there.

  135. I like that you can stack coupons. This makes for a bigger savings.


  137. I love the new bar code scanner feature! So quick & easy to find out if anything else in your cart has a cartwheel offer!


  139. I love cartwheel. so fun saving money on things I am already buying.

  140. I love being able to scan an item and see immediately if it qualifies, vs having to search manually.

  141. I love how easy it is to use, and the barcode scanner. Makes shopping and saving with kids so much easier.

  142. I love the scanning feature of the app and the fact that you are able to pair it with coupons.

  143. I like how easy it is to use and how much money it saves me!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  144. The more you use it, the more spots open up :) I'm up to 13!

  145. My favorite feature is that it puts all of the offers into one scannable barcode on your phone. How easy! sbcashortie at hotmail dot com

  146. The bar scanner feature.

  147. I like that there is one bar code to scan instead of having to scan for all the items you bought.

  148. It looks pretty cool and easy to use, but I couldn't get it to work at the store - wouldn't connect to the internet. Maybe I'll try one more time.
    aleksnearing gmail com

  149. I like that this can be used on top of other target coupons and discounts! angelgenius27(at)yahoo(dot)com

  150. tweeted angelgenius27(at)yahoo(dot)com

  151. YOu can use the same deal over and over


  153. I love that you can scan an item to see if it has a coupon. I really do love Target and shop there often.

  154. I tweeted:

  155. I like that I can scan with my phone.

  156. I like that you can search by department.


  158. I love cartwheel! It's so nice I just have it on my phone. So easy to use and I never forget my coupons at home.

  159. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! I LOVE Target for their cute and quality products and the opportunity to save in so many ways (Cartwheel, manufacturer coupons + Target coupons, gift card offers).

  160. I like that you can use the app along with other coupons.

  161. I like that you can always have your "coupons" with you for those quick run in trips when you always find a something else you needed. Wonderful way to save money!

  162. I like that you can scan stuff to see if coupons are available!


  164. I like Cartwheel scan as you shop feature.

  165. I like Cartwheel scan as you shop feature. #SweepstakesEntry

  166. I lve that I can use manufacturer coupons with the app!

  167. Link to tweet:
    Thank you :)

  168. The ability to stack coupons, not having to clip theirs, and the ability to use them multiple times.

  169. I like the coupon stacking feature on the Cartwheel App


  171. I like that you can scan and item and all the discounts will pop up.


  172. I love that you can use the Carthwheel app on top of manufacturer and store coupons :)

  173. My favorite feature is that there are so many ways (700+) to save.


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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