Friday, January 10, 2014

100 Days Until Baby And Daddy Is A Wino.

Starting tomorrow we will begin the 100 Day Countdown to when we'll meet baby number three. It's eerily like the celebration of 100 Days to Graduation in college except without the exorbitant alcohol consumption. You know, even though it fell on a Wednesday and you had to wake up at the butt crack of dawn the following morning to take care of patients in nursing clinical, you made it a point to don that overpriced dorm t-shirt with an inappropriate saying and rally at the bar with your nearest and dearest. Well, even though tomorrow's celebration may not include copious amounts of alcohol and indecent behavior, you can bet your bottom dollar I won't be sleeping alone in my bed. After all, we still share a bed with our 18 month old, duh. 

*  *  *

Speaking of baby number three, he still remains nameless and it's beginning to drive me Britney-crazy. It's no secret boy names are hard and even harder when you've already used up your four favorite boy names on your previous two children but throw in a husband who refuses to talk names until you're particularly fat and hormonal and it's just nothing short of a natural disaster. 

Over breakfast this morning I told my him to be prepared for a little Baby Naming Pow-Wow this weekend- we've only got one name on our list (and maybe one name up my sleeve) so I'm hoping that this pow-wow is short and sweet. I get it- men will never understand the dire necessity to name a baby earlier than necessary but when said baby is residing within your own body consistently punching you in the hoo-ha, it's hard to think of anything else than giving that sweet right hook a name. 

*  *  *

The other day while standing in the kitchen, my 18 month old kept pointing to a wine rack full of empty favorites that hangs on our wall, proclaiming, "Daddy! Daddy!" At first, I hadn't given it second thought- for the longest while he was referring even to myself as "Daddy" and I assumed it was a term of endearment for a myriad of things. That all changed when, after watching the boys continuously empty and restock the wine fridge that sits in the playroom, I asked them what they were doing and my 3 year old cheerily replied, "We're playing Daddy!"

I could do nothing but laugh and then immediately text my husband and tell him that our boys think he's a wino. Put that one in the Rockstar Parenting book, my friends. Mmm... wine. Did I say it was a 100 Days to Baby countdown? I meant, 100 Days To Wine Drinking. 

*  *  *  

Even though I'm damn near certain that age 3.5 is shaving years off of my life, it does have it's redeeming moments in which I think there could be nothing sweeter. It's during the hellish moments, the moments where my 3.5 year old is one floor tantrum shy of being left outside on the deck (you know I would never) that I remind myself of these sweet moments and decide that yes, we are in fact, going to survive. Just the other night he took notice of the moon hanging in the sky and he was so in awe, he couldn't stop talking about it. When I asked him if it was a circle moon he saw, he responded, "Nope, it's a banana moon, Mom!" A banana moon. I mean, come on! I could have squeezed him until his eye popped out of his head.   

*  *  *

So, there you have it, 100 Days until Baby. Our kids think my husband is a wino, I'll be damned if by Sunday this baby doesn't have a name for himself and the 3.5 year old lives to see another episode of that god-awful Sid The Science Kid. 

Not too shabby, my friends, not too shabby. Have a great weekend! 

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  1. Those days are going to FLY by. As a matter of fact... It feels like just yesterday inward counting down the days until I turn 21. And it's finally here! On Tuesday my life will be complete and I will finally be able to legally drink. I can hardly wait. I'm giddy ;) Enjoy it, mama!

    1. Tuesday!! Ah, that's SO exciting! Seriously, I would be like a kid on Christmas Eve! I remember, maybe it's still a "thing," that when I was in college, the midnight you turned 21, you could get into the bars and drink. It was, like, the best thing ever. And now, suddenly, I feel really, really old. I drank my weight in a local bar's "fishbowl" that night. It required 7 straws and 7 friends. Boom. Happy Early Birthday!!

  2. Oh I can't wait to hear the name for your sweet boy #3! 100 days - wow!! And I'm with you on Sid the Science Kid - I deleted that from the DVR so fast! Rhys is into Doc McStuffins right now - pretty cute, even though I think it's supposed to be for girls? Who cares! :)

    1. We loved Doc too for a short while! Or "Doc 'Stuffins" as Carter calls her. Santa actually brought him a doctor's kit for Christmas and he walks around saying he's just like her. Sid makes my ears bleed... I'm serious, too! This boy had better be named by Sunday! I have my list all ready ;)

  3. I can totally relate to the baby-naming issue and my husband was the same way with our daughter and with the current baby in my belly...we have it narrowed down a bit, but I don't think we'll have anything definite until I start contractions, haha.

  4. Don't get me wrong, I'm SUPER excited to meet our son, but sometimes I think I am also equally excited to drink wine. It's just so delicious! Haha

    1. Yep. Believe me, I completely understand. My husband opened a bottle of my FAVORITE Chardonnay last night and I about stripped down naked and dove into his glass.

  5. you make me simultaneously excited and terrified to try for a third baby. haha. and not least because I have also used up all my favorite names already! good luck nailing it down, and happy next 100 days...

  6. Man your pregnancy is just flying by!! I can't wait to hear your name choices!

  7. Ran across your blog via bloglovin’. Cant wait to read more from you!!
    -Ashley at

  8. Totally agree with boy names being difficult to decide upon. Especially when it's not your first rodeo, and you know a bunch of toddlers with your previous favorite names. We stopped talking names after we came up with one we agreed we liked, and never came up with another, so that's what our second was named!

  9. 100 days?!?! How crazy fast that went, but probably not for you? :) I can't go very long without naming the little one either, I always had a name by 20 weeks. Can't wait to see what this cutie's name is.

  10. I can remember the days of name picking. Of course, we didn't have an issue settling on one but if we would have... I can imagine I would have been Britney-crazy, too! 100 days is not very long although when you say it, it seems a lot longer! I always heard your second and third pregnancy FLY by! I will be finding out for myself, because I am almost 8 weeks with our second child. Such a crazy time! Anyways, good luck in name picking! I am sure your little baby boy is going to have the BEST name! :)

  11. Girl, I feel ya. We waited forever to talk about names both times. But it was even worse with Bennett. I was 36 weeks pregnant when we finally decided to make a list of potential names, which was a good thing because I delivered him at 38 weeks. But both our kids weren't named until after they were born, and it ended up being for the best anyway. There is something so awesome about looking at your brand new baby, and THEN picking a name. So all this to say... don't worry too much.. M3 will end up with the perfect name, whether it's this weekend, or after he's born :)

  12. The wine fridge story is priceless, that'll be a good one to tell when the boys are older lol!

  13. We didnt find out the sex prior to birth as our hospital charges nearly £100 and I just could not justify the cost (plus I didnt really care what we were having) Anyway Amy was always top of our list if we had a girl but we just really didnt like boys names. The only thing we agreed on was that if baby was a boy they had the middle name of Ian as that was my late fathers name and is my father in laws name. Other than that we were fooked!! Good luck with the name picking!!

  14. My husband is the same way when bit come to maiming the kids. We actually finalized Hailey a week before she was born because she came early at 36w6d. Talk about cutting it close! Can't wait to hear his name! You know, Colson is a pretty awesome name! *wink* :oP

  15. Baby named yet?! I'm like a month from my goal of 37 weeks! Hold me! Did you see on ig Chase wanted to get some tiny wine bottle or "little beers" for his brothers? Kid loves shopping for beer. Always wants to buy beer for Dada. Parents of the year!

  16. Wait, there's a wine fridge in your playroom??? LOL

  17. I love the wine story. 3.5 has come to close to breaking me on several ocassions, but I persist and not think about the fact that we have to do it more than once!

    By the way, I totally think it's fine to leave him on the deck if it's gated and he has a coat ;)


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