Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'll Change Your Tire, For a Box of Samoas?

I don't think I would necessarily go as far as to say that I am "accident prone," however, I do manage to find myself in a lot of accidental... situations. Let's take last Friday for instance.

Not only was it a crazy day at the clinic, and the realtor, who is trying to sell the house we're currently renting right out from beneath us, calling me every thirty seconds to set up fifteen showing appointments for the same godforsaken Saturday (good luck sellin' this place, sistah! the basement floods everytime it drizzles!) but on my way home from work, an ancient Toyota Corolla decides to attempt to run me off the road, causing me to drive into and over a curb, resulting in majorly scratched up rims and a blown out tire. We're talking like, a fist sized hunk of rubber missing out of that baby!

Ridiculously proud of myself, I pull off the road into the nearest parking lot and dial the number for Lexus Roadside Assistance. Can you believe it? I didn't even call my Dad or my husband first! I know, I was pretty shocked too.

I explain the situation to AAA, they tell me someone will be to my rescue within the hour (an hour? Seriously? I have DVR'd shows to catch up on! And a husband who is on his way home from Charlotte tonight!) and so I hunker down in the random parking lot, locking my doors and hoping nobody can smell my fear of being alone, stranded, in a random parking lot on a Friday night with a car that is certainly un-driveable.

Approximately forty-five minutes later, my knight in shining (sweatsuit) arrives. He's young, maybe a few years older than me, driving a ginormous pimped out tow truck, and weighing approximately 300 pounds. (You'll soon understand why this last fact is so noteworthy).

He's all a' tinkering in the back of my SUV, while I'm dilly-dallying on the phone and before I know it, the tire has been changed and I'm good to go. While this was all taking place, I did place a phone call to my Dad to make sure I was supposed to tip this guy. How is a girl supposed to know these things? Dad says, "yeah, AP, you should tip him a few dollars. I usually give him five or ten."

I quickly rummage through my car and find six dollars and my brand new box of Samoas. That's right. You heard me. Girl Scout cookies. I sheepishly turn to the kid, offering up my six dollars and the Samoas and say, "I'm really sorry, but this is all I have. I really do appreciate you helping me out though!"

Let's just say he grabbed that six bucks and the box of cookies so fast I didn't know what happened. As he climbs into his truck, he yells, "Thanks lady! This is the best tip I've ever gotten from somebody!"

Samoas. I can't believe he took my Samoas!! But hey, it just goes to show ya.. you never know what you can do with a box of Girl Scout cookies!!


  1. omg! he took your girl scouts cookies, how funny hahaha ... and congrats on the baby!! I didnt get to comment before, xxxooo

  2. Hahahahaha this is awesomeeee!!! Well, not awesome that you blew your tire or that you had to part with your samoas, but this story was hilarious! Best tip he's ever gotten.......... hahaha! :)

  3. Haha I can't believe he took them! That probably made his day too!

  4. Hahaha! It must be a pregnant thing. I have Runts, Lemon Drops, and sour gummy worms in my car. If I am ever in need I know I can offer them up!

  5. I love this story! I can just see you offering this big burly man a box of yummy samoas and him gobbling them up! I have a weakness for samoas too!

    Congrats on the big news too! So exciting! I can't wait to follow you on this journey!

  6. haha that's amazing, i'd sure take a box of samoas as a tip:)

  7. that is awesome...(makes mental note to have GS cookies in car for emergencies) ha ha

  8. That's an adventure...I didn't know you were supposed to tip AAA guys? Yikes! Now I know:-)

  9. hahahahaha oh my gosh I am dying right now!!!!!! Brilliant!

  10. HAHA!! That is hyterical!!! Sad that you got rid of the cookies though.... mmmm, cookies...

  11. How do you have your Girl Scout cookies already? My 9-year-old cousin said we don't get ours until February!

  12. Oh wow, if that was my $6 and a box of Tagalongs, I would've just given him the $6! The husband is lucky I share my Tagalongs with him!

  13. hey i woulda taken the samoas and said keep the money if i were him, haha. how funny!!

  14. Wow, I cannot believe you gave them up!

    P.S. My Dad owns an on-the-road tire repair servie, and they never get tips!

  15. That is too funny. I can't believe he took your cookies! I wonder if this situation had happened in a few months when you have a cute big belly if he'd still have taken them :)

  16. Hahaha I love that you tipped him with cookies!!!

    Though, he would have had to pry those out of my cold dead hands. I freakin' love Samoas!

  17. I so want some girl scout cookies, I have to find someone selling them soon! So sorry you had to give yours away!!

  18. ha ha! that's too funny!

    I just found your blog from teacups in peony, and i'm loving it! Congrats on the pregnancy!

  19. This cracked me up! I bet those cookies made his day! He probably didn't even realize you gave him any cash!!

  20. New follower! I was half way through this post and knew I had to follow you!

  21. Samoas will do it every time...

    Love to you

  22. HAHAHA! That is HILARIOUS. I would have been so doomed because I NEVER carry cash. Maybe Samoas would have been all he would have gotten from me! :)

  23. Do you know that, I believe it is Edy's Ice Cream, makes a Special Edition "Samoas" ice cream (vanilla ice cream with chucks of Girl Scout Samoa Cookies) at this time of year? Only around for a short time, but my one and only favorite ice cream!


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