Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hello, Baby M! Meet the Blogworld.


Is that not the cutest little button nose you've ever seen?

Whew. If that wasn't the hardest secret to keep for nine whole weeks! Hubs and I are absolutely over the moon excited and so happy to be sharing the news with everyone! Not to mention, I can't believe that I'm sharing my due date/due week with a few of my favorite bloggers! It's been so wonderful to have been following along with these women on their journeys to motherhood but at the same time, so frustrating for me because I hadn't quite found the confidence to post about our new addition! Well friends, the confidence has been found.

And this may or may not be turning into one of those blogs. You know the kind. Where I post pictures of my uterus. And gush over every single second of my pregnancy. Don't worry. I'll be straight with you all. I'm honest like that. It's not all lambs and lillies. It's been tough! And pregnancy is NOT always pretty. In fact, I'm waiting for that part of it. And even though this might turn into one of those blogs, I'm going to love every single minute of it.

Don't worry. There will be plenty of Sheepie pictures and posts. And posts about the hilarious things my husband says. And when I find the energy to shop again, I'll throw pictures of my loot up here too. Same as always. But there will be some baby thrown in there. I'm just warning you.

Did I mention that Hubs and I may or may not have bought a house along the way? I do believe we have some serious catching up to do, blogworld. It's been way too long.

Ok. Before I go, let's not kid ourselves. What would a baby post be without the infamous weekly survey?

12 weeks, 3 days

Total Weight Gained/Loss? Up 3.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet. Mostly because I live in scrubs and black yoga pants. But it does look like I ate a few too many Dunkin Donuts.

Sleep? All the time. I don't think I've seen 9:30pm for months. No joke. And I've been curling up in the infusion chairs at work during my lunch break and snoozing away my lunch hour since December.

Best Moment of the Week? Hearing Baby M's heartbeat for the second time, 155 beats per minute!

Movement? Only seen on ultrasound. Which is especially weird when Baby M is bouncing all over the place in there and I can't feel a single thing.

Food Craving? NumNumNum. Milkshakes, please.

Food aversions: Don't even talk to me about red meat. Just the thought... Woof.

Morning sickness? I prefer to call it Functional Nausea. Okay, so I gag a little from time to time, but no real pukage. Just nausea. All day.

Gender? We cannot wait to find out!!

Labor Signs? No thank you.

Belly Button? I'm starting with an outtie. This is going to get interesting.

What I miss? Chardonnay. Margaritas. Sigh.

What I'm looking forward to: Every day! Just knowing that we've created another life just absolutely blows my mind. I don't typically get too "deep" on this blog and I personally would like to keep it that way- but holy smokes. I'm growing a human being. It just doesn't get any better than that.

Weekly Wisdom: Don't deny yourself a craving here and there. Go with the flow.

Milestones: Getting to see our baby grow from 8 weeks, to 10 weeks to 12 weeks. Hearing the heartbeat and steadily and healthily approaching the second trimester.

So there you have it. We've had a lot going on these past few months. A new baby on the way and after months of searching, a new house. Well, almost. You know, pending home inspection and all those other pesky things that make this already difficult process even more difficult, drawn out and frustrating! Needless to say, we've been quite busy around these parts! But not nearly as busy as we will be the next few months- what with moving, decorating a new home and preparing for the arrival of Baby M the first week of August!

So that blog hiatus I was talking about? Consider it over.


  1. YAY!! I was so hoping this was your news!! Congrats momma! I'm so excited for you guys.

  2. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How in God's name did you keep news like that from the world??!?!

  3. awww thats so exciting!!! congrats!!!

  4. Congratulations! How exciting! Can't wait to follow along with your journey!

  5. Congrats congrats congrats! I am so happy for you and your growing family!

  6. and don't worry about being one of "those" blogs, because mine's totally worse! :)

  7. YAAAAY! Congratulations, girlie! :) That is such fabulous news! So very exciting!

  8. AHHH!! CONGRATS!!! I'm SO happy for you!!!!

    Here's to a Happy & Healthy 9 months!!!


  9. So happy for you! I am 32 weeks today and you are in for a big treat! What a joy and a miracle to be having a baby!!!! I'm so excited for you! Love your blog! Always keep me laughing!


  10. I had my suspicions! All those fries, oreo's and cookies!
    I am looking forward to your blog becoming one of 'those' blogs and your frank and honest take on it all!

    Fabulous news.

  11. congrats on keeping the 'sweet secret' for so long! i know how hard it is!!!

  12. Woo hoo congrats!!! I love *those* blogs that are all about babies and home ownership :) This is awesome and I can't wait to follow along as you become a mommy!

  13. congrats! Wow, lots going on for you - growing babies, buying houses. I have just been working..lame! Glad to see you are back!

  14. congrats to you and your hubby!!!!!!

  15. YAY!! I've been dying...literally dying for this blog announcment!! Especially with all those food posts practically taunting me with the news I already knew. YAY!

    We're officially a day apart due date wise, so perhaps we could have babies on the same day! Love the U/S pic...yours is sooo much better than ours!

    Congrats again! Glad you're finally telling the world!

  16. Congratulations on your big announcement. And good luck with your house. It is all a big pain in the butt at first, but you will forget all about that once you are moved in and loving it! :)

  17. Congrats! How exciting for you! :)

  18. Congratulations on all fronts! I am so excited for you and the Mr. It must have been wonderful to hear the heartbeat. I bet you cannot wait to find out the sex.

  19. I'd love it to turn into one of "those blogs"! Hahaha Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing, congrats!

  20. Aww congrats!! Don't worry about your blog turning into one of those blogs, I love reading about everyone elses pregnancies!

  21. WOOO HOOO! Congrats.. just remember to take it easy. You definitely have much on your plate, lady! Wait until you figure out that those flutters really aren't gas. Takes your breath away.

  22. Awe congrats on the baby AND the house!!!!

  23. Yaaaaaay!!!! Congratulations to you both!!! Omg we are due so close to the same time!!! This is so wonderful!! :) I'm just over the moon hearing about other expecting couples!!

  24. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!


    :) :) :)

  25. congrats, that's amazing!! and don't worry about being one of "those blogs"...we wanna hear about your whole life, babes and all =)

  26. That explains the cookies! Congrats!

  27. Congratulations!! And I'm pulling for August 1st, because that's my birthday!

  28. Thought I'd throw you a congrats on here as well! Welcome to the IHA Mommy Club! Feel free to ask me any questions you have...I know how confusing this whole thing can be!

  29. Hahaha yay!! I kinda figured after the oreo and french fry posts that this was your news :) I am so excited for you guys!!! Congratulations!

  30. yay!! congralutations to you and your hubby!!! this is such an amazing time in your life, cherish every moment!! =) can't wait to hear all the updates!!!

  31. Congratulations!! How exciting!

  32. I totally KNEW this was coming!!!!! I'm telling you.. blog hiatus = first trimester exhaustion!!!! I am so excited for you guys!!!!!!! I can't wait to follow you on this journey!!

    And yay for becoming one of "those" blogs! Join the club! It simply becomes the only thing you can think about!!!


  33. I was SO hoping this was your news :) Congrats! I'm so excited for you and cant' wait to follow on this new journey (oh and yes I have total baby fever so I will be living vicariously through you, deal?) :)

  34. Yay Congrats! What great news.

  35. Wow!!! Congratulations! :) & I'll be faithfully following along no matter if this becomes "that kind" of blog or not!! Can't wait to hear all the updates along the way!

  36. Congrats! I was wondering if this was it when you said you had a big surprise to share! What an blessing!

  37. so, i found that people don't mind when your blog turns into one of 'those' blogs....because, they love it. if they love you (which they do) they want to hear all about your life...and your protruding uterus...

    so soak it up. besides, you only have your 'first' once, right!? and each child deserves to be celebrated!

    congratulations! (althoug I've already said it!!)

  38. Yay!!!!!! Congrats! :) Excited to follow your journey!

  39. oh my gosh!! I am so excited for you!!! congratulations!!

  40. I knew it! You kept mentioning surprises and I was like "I bet she's pregnant." SO excited for you two! Congratulations!

  41. YAY!! I am sooo glad you finally mentioned it on here! Again, I am sooooo sooooo happy for you!!! I cannot wait to find out what you are having!! Oh and good luck with the home!! XOXO

  42. YAAAAY! Congrats, AP! I'm so excited for you :-) And red meat is my ONE nasty aversion that's still hanging on. I can't think about it or look at it (raw OR cooked)...much less EAT it.

  43. i knew it!!! congrats girl! sully will be such a good big brother :)

  44. Congratulations! That is truly an adorable u/s picture!

  45. couldnt be happier for you guys (and sheepie gets to be a sibling!)- cant wait for it to become one of those blogs ;)

  46. AH!!! Congrats! I am sooooo excited. And I don't mind if it becomes one of those blogs :)

  47. Oh my gosh how did I miss this!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  49. Congratulations! What an exciting couple of months! The time will fly enjoy each moment!

  50. Clearly I am way behind in just reading this...but I wanted to say congratulations!!! I am beyond excited for you and your husband and I cannot wait to hear everything that has been going on with you!!

  51. I have been out of the blog world so I'm just catching up on my reading. I am so happy for you!!!! Congratulations!!!!

  52. So stinking exciting! Congrats!! :)


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