Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Mommy's Time-Out Corner (aka That Fancy Corner of My Deck)

I am a member of the Nestle Pure Life team dedicated to spreading the word
about their Exotics sparkling water line. I receive product and incentives in exchange
for participating in brand related activities and sharing my honest opinion.

See that space up there? That's my space. M-I-N-E, mine. In fact, I'm searching Etsy right now for a fancy sign, perhaps one adorned with tassels and a deer head (because I hear that's all the rage now), that says something witty and poetic like "NO CHILDREN ALLOWED" or "MOMMY'S TIME-OUT" that I can hang from the railing. 

If you can't tell, my brand new Mom Corner is tucked away in the corner of the deck that my husband has spent the last several weekends resurfacing. If any one of us is need of an exotic getaway after the Deck Remodel of 2015, it's undoubtedly me, am I right? Sure, I didn't partake in any of the demolition, the heavy lifting or the manual labor to rebuild said deck but I did work diligently from sun up to sun down to keep all three of our children away from the construction zone.

In all seriousness though, it's high time that I find a space in and amongst our house that is dedicated solely to me. In the past when I've tried to find a corner suitable for my needs within the walls of our home it quickly becomes overwrought with Hot Wheels, day-old sippy cups and sticky smudges of only who-know's-what. Older, wiser and with a third kid on board, this time I took my search for my Mom Corner outside and found the perfect nook out on the deck. 

I want to say that I can't remember the last time I went on an exotic little escape- feigning as if I've taken so many in recent years that they all just blur together- but the truth is I can remember quite vividly my last exotic getaway right down to the sweetness of the fresh coconut milk that I sipped straight from the source while I sunned myself on the deck of a yacht sailing the waters of Turks and Caicos. It was before kids when both my husband and I were much skinnier, well-rested versions of our current selves.

While we are long overdue for a similar exotic getaway, sometimes life gets in the way (and by "life," I mean owning a home, raising three small children while simultaneous running a business and trying to remain sane in the process).  As much as we would love to drop everything and sail away somewhere deliciously foreign and exotic, duty adult-ing calls, or so they say, and we've got to do the best with what we've got. 

For me right now that means I curl up for as many minutes as I can each day in the corner of my new deck with a refreshing drink and a good book in hand and see for how long I can get away without being not needed, called for or climbed upon. 

Spoiler alert: it isn't for very long.


Despite the chaos that often ensues just mere moments after sitting down (seriously, can children smell relaxation like wolves and bears can smell fear?) it's the refreshing taste of my Nestle Pure Life Exotics sparkling water that takes me away on my own little exotic escape. One sip of the Mango Peach Pineapple and I can almost feel the warm sand beneath my toes or hear the waves lapping gently as they break against the shoreline. Or is that the sound of my 3-year-old running laps around the living room again?

Made with zero calories and no artificial colors or sweeteners, Nestle Pure Life Exotics sparkling water offers carbonation levels similar to soda but without all of the added sugar and not-so-great stuff. Packed with unique, bold and all-natural fruit flavors, not only does this beverage taste great but it's been the perfect alternative to pop as I desperately try to lose the last five ten pounds of pesky baby weight still hanging around.

As a busy mom of three boys, sometimes you just have to fake it 'til you make it and until I'm ready to drop everything and escape somewhere wild and exotic, this backyard nook will have to do. Having Nestle Pure Life Exotics sparkling water definitely makes the sting of reality a little bit sweeter. 

Want to create your own exotic escape? Using the Rafflecopter widget below, enter to win your own Exotic Escape Kit, valued at $500! Open to US residents only, be sure to read through giveaway rules under Terms and Conditions. Good luck to all those who enter! 

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  1. Exotic? Hmmm...a would take a quiet beach in FL or if I really dream big a beach in Bali! Right now though a shower while blocking out the sounds of my three little ones sounds exotic to me.

  2. You are looking hot with that blonde hair, Momma! I know I've already told you on Insta, but that color really suits you!

    We're working on a back porch addition right now, so I might have to make a Mommy corner out there that's just for me! :o) Hope you enjoy your new space!

    <3 Linds at

  3. Anywhere with sun, sand, an ocean and a drink in my hand!

  4. I'm going to Hawaii again in November and CANNOT wait! I need my exotic escape now!!

  5. I'd head to Disney or the beach. Hard choice! Love this!

  6. Beach or skiing (child free!)... traveling with our 4 year old and 2 year old is an adventure, not a vacation! Jen

  7. Does anywhere without littles and a frozen drink count?

  8. Bora Bora-- on one of those huts in the ocean :)

  9. I'm working.on a she shed even though my nephew insists men have very little space. I continually point out his uncle's garage is four times bigger than our house.

  10. We're planning a fall getaway right now - I'm thinking Mexico!

  11. I would like to go to a nice hotel room. By myself. Haha!

  12. I would go somewhere with a fabulous beach.

  13. Anywhere tropical really! Sunshine, beach, tropical drinks, a bathing suit, and my husband!

  14. I would like to say Japan - shaunie


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