On Turning 31, Fall Premiere Week and Making Out With Gwen Stefani.
I've thought of nearly 7 blog posts to write about in the last couple of weeks. Really funny ones, too. The kind of posts that celebrate the best and worst parts of motherhood but as I'm sitting here typing this, I'm realizing that I don't have time like I used to have to write.
Before Collins was born I was just getting good at being intentional about carving out time each week to leave the house and write. I have to leave because that's the only way I can truly concentrate on my words but at the end of the day, the time of day that worked best for me to escape and write, I am empty. I have no words, not even enough energy to form a cohesive thought let alone enough energy to get in my car, drive to my Writing Hole, plug in my laptop and get down to business.
But when those words back up inside my head, I get fidgety. It's like I need to get them out and get them out pronto before I lose them. If you were to creep inside my bedroom you would find ideas scribbled all over any available surface. This includes inside book covers, on the back's of old receipts and even on the bathroom mirror (I've ruined countless eye liner sticks this way).
So today, while Collins sleeps and Carter and Maclane chase each other around the house with kitchen whisks (the number one downside to that Open Floor Plan I so desperately wished for) I'm using this fifteen minutes to write something. Anything. And it's looking a little bit like this...
I turned 31 last week (which is practically ancient in Blog Land) and while my birthday weekend looked nothing like I had imagined (Fever City, Population Big Brothers), it felt good to turn another year older. I always look at birthdays as fresh starts. Do overs, even and I get excited at the prospect of reevaluating life goals and maybe purchasing a new wardrobe to match. I also celebrated with a root canal which is pretty much the worst dental procedure you could ever endure. Take away here? Don't get old and don't let two years and two babies go by before seeing your dentist.
I'm just a few days shy of finishing my second round of Whole 30 and while I took Birthday Weekend off to indulge in cupcakes, cheese and champagne and I've been much more lax with a glass or two of wine on any given day, I've still managed to lose 8 more pounds- bringing the grand total of weight loss to 21lbs in two months. I'm down 3 pants sizes, 5lbs. away from pre-Carter pregnancy weight and 1 pants size away from pretty much my entire closet full of clothes. So that's kind of awesome.
I'm adore Fall TV Premiere week perhaps more than anyone every should. The thought of curling up on the couch at the end of the day with a drink and The Hechts, Bravermans, Dunphys and Andersons (the cast of the new show, black-ish), is pretty much what gets me through my days. Throw in The Voice, Revenge and Scandal and I'm basically married to my TV until Spring.
Speaking of The Voice, this is the first season I've really ever watched and plan on watching the whole way through, mostly because Gwen Stefani is a judge and I would totally make out with her. Okay, not really but almost kind of. If I could be best friends with two reality TV stars, I would definitely pick her and Joanna Gaines of HGTV's Fixer Upper. I've been begging my husband to uproot and move to Waco, TX just so we could hire Chip and Joanna to be our friends restore a home. I've also been pining for Fall temperatures because I'm in love with Joanna's casual boots-worn-with-everything look. Fixer Upper is no good for my house or my wallet because I want to fix and change and decorate ALL THE THINGS.
Just as I love TV more than one should, Carter loves school more than any kid has ever loved school, Maclane is totally my favorite child and Collins started purees this week. What I mean to say is, Time, slow the fuck down. Before I know it Carter will be in college, Maclane will likely be going through puberty and therefore will no longer be my favorite and Collins will be eating us out of house and home.
I'm reading this (when I have time, which is never) after I started following her on Instagram and both it and she are awesome. What's even more awesome is that she's married to Jason Biggs from American Pie and I can't imagine ever taking him seriously let alone being married to him. So there's that.
Speaking of marriage, we're coming up on our 7 year anniversary next month. We've debated celebrating by upgrading to a king bed, finishing the last of the updates we want to accomplish on our house before selling it (refinishing the deck and gutting the master bathroom) or buying a hot tub. I think you can guess what I'm gunning for (and it's not the bed or the renovations). Because nothing says "I Love You" like a hot tub.
This blog post took forty-five minutes to write. It cost me three ice pops, a handful of goldfish which I contemplated throwing all over the kitchen floor as to make them last longer, one and a half episodes of Paw Patrol and to top it all off the baby woke up so I finished the last third of this post while nursing him. And it can hardly be counted as a post, it's so random.
But? That's life these days. What have you been up to?
It usually takes me an entire day (or half a day minumum) to get my blog posts done. I really should start leaving the house to work but the last thing I want to do is get out of my yoga pants and go out in public to work. Especially when I have a nice house with lots of comfy rooms to work (which by the way, I just escaped to in order to get a quick project done --- and read a couple of blogs.)
ReplyDeleteI like the throwing the gold fish on the floor idea! Maybe I'll try that next time. lol
And this kind of post is exactly why you're amazing. If I have no kids and can't make time to blog, and you have three and your random posts are this incredible... I need some of what you're drinking.
ReplyDeletewe upgraded to a king for our anniversary too! must must must.
ReplyDeletesuper jealous of your whole 30. that is wicked awesome. way to go mama!!!
Well hot damn, 20+ pounds in 2 months is remarkable! Mr. AP best getcha that hot tub. 😜 31 sounds like it's off to a great start. 😘 and I agree about Gwen. That red hot lip she rocks gets me every time. 😜
ReplyDeleteWe went for the King bed at 6 years. After we got back from Disney we had some cash leftover so we upgraded. We don't regret it at all because our old bed was killing our bodies. We sleep so much better now:) Although I could go for the hot tub if we weren't in a rental.