
Monday, February 25, 2013

Antique Platter Chalkboard Tray :: Hey, That's Pin-tastic

Baaaa. Do you hear that? That's me being a sheep. A sheep with a can of chalkboard spray paint. Have you seen Pinterest lately? Chalkboard this. Chalkboard that. It's a good thing there aren't many surfaces in my house worthy of painting because if left to my own devices I would have approximately 74% of it covered in chalkboard paint. 

It all started with the wall in the playroom that I painted a little over a year ago. Since then I've gone chalkboard-crazy all over old picture frames, mirrors and even the stems of wine glasses. Most recently, however, I snagged a gorgeous antique serving platter from Goodwill for a little over $3.00 and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. 

With some blue painter's tape to mark the edges, a can of chalkboard spray paint and two hours to let it dry, this project is so easy even the non-crafter can do it. 

Here's a stellar iPhone shot of how the chalkboard looks now. And if you have a chalkboard at home and haven't discovered the amazing things known as chalk pens, I suggest you hop on Amazon and pick some up immediately. You can see more chalkboard platters on Pinterest here.

Welcome to Week Twenty-One of Hey, That's Pin-tastic. My plate is officially overflowing and unfortunately something has to give. Hey, That's Pin-tastic will be going on a short hiatus after this week. I'll be taking a few weeks of from hosting this link-up which will give you all plenty of time to get your projects ready for when it returns Monday, March 18th. Thanks so much to everyone who has participated over these last few months! Be sure to grab the official button and link up your posts below. All posts bearing the button or a link back to ILYMTC will be pinned to the official Hey, That's Pin-tastic pin board with over 3,700 followers!

i love you more than carrots


  1. I've been making chalkboards like it's my job lately! and thank you for sharing the chalkboard pens..I was starting to think they were a myth because I couldn't find them anywhere!

  2. Ha! I recently discovered chalk pens and I am in love :)

  3. Nicely done! I wanted to know where to get "chalk pens" woohoo!

  4. Love your tray! I'm officially convinced our household needs some chalk in our life ;)

  5. Love your tray! Great idea. I have a tray in the basement that I was going to give away, but maybe now I can chalboard paint it!

  6. Awww, I LOVE that!!!! I love chalk pens, too! I use them at school all the time.

  7. AP, you're great! I hope things let up a bit, wishing you the best!
    Beth @ The First Year Blog

  8. So I might need these pens for my chalkboard. So cute!


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.