
Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh, Hi. I'm Giving Away This AWESOME Vacuum..

Loyals, we all know that there are lot's of things out there that excite me. Tasty things, sparkly things, baby things, just to name a few. But do you know what really excites me? Vacuum lines. As in, freshly vacuumed lines on a carpet. Go on, laugh if you will.  

Never in my whole entire 28 years of life would I think I would ever, ever be this excited let alone in love with a vacuum cleaner. Oh, but Loyals. I am. I am in love with my Oreck Forever Series Gold Vacuum Cleaner. 

I'm sure I gave the Husband quite the scare as I began counting down the days until this beauty arrived on our doorstep. Here, sit for a minute, while I profess my love for a vacuum.

First off, there is something to be said for the Forever Series' long cord. Almost immediately I noticed how long the Oreck's cord was and how I could easily maneuver between the kitchen, living room, family room and foyer without ever unplugging and plugging the cord back into the wall. 

As a Mom to a toddler who has very little time to spare when it comes to domestic chores of this nature, I need to be able to cover a large amount of domestic acreage in the least amount of time possible and the easy maneuverability and lightweight efficiency of this vacuum let's me do it all. We're talking 35 feet of vacuuming freedom, Loyals. 

My previous vacuum was a beast of a machine and I would dread the time when I would have to haul that sucker up and down the stairs. With the Oreck Forever Series Gold, I can easily transport this vacuum cleaner down to the basement and up to the bedrooms without huffing and puffing and I can do so while carrying my 16 month old toddler on one hip. After all, it weighs just around a mere 9lbs. Amazing.

This vacuum truly makes the daily life of this Mama 100x easier and I actually find myself looking forward to vacuuming. So much so that I store my delicious new vacuum right in the entryway off of the garage. Sleek and skinny, it doesn't take up much space and is available for me to grab at the drop of a hat- which in this Mama's case is typically after every Toddler meal! 

Pine needles, Sheepie hairballs, Ritz cracker, Spanish rice and even the beads to one of my favorite necklaces was no match for this vacuum. It has truly become this Mama's new best friend. 

Want to know something else really cool about this vacuum, Loyals? See those little scrubby bristles protruding from the side of the vacuum? They do a fabulous job at helping suck up all the dust and Sheepie hair that finds its way into the cracks and crevices along my baseboards. No longer do I have to whip out the dust buster and bend over, my back screaming as I creep along the baseboards of my downstairs living area- those little scrubby bristles are an absolute god send. 

Some other really great features of this Oreck? The twin LED headlights make vacuuming beneath the couches and other large pieces of furniture a breeze. Not to mention the dual speed power switch is great for switching between carpet and hardwood floors. 

On the rare occasion that I don't feel like pulling out my new Oreck? Well, Loyals. I was also given the opportunity to try out the Ultimate Hand Vacuum. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I adore this thing. 

Easily worn throughout the house and with a myriad of attachment accessories, this handy little Ultimate Hand Vacuum has helped make those extra hard to reach spaces so much easier to clean. Beneath the oven and the dishwasher? Check. 

The floor vents and crown molding? Check. Window sills and the crevices along the stairs? Easy peasy. 

It goes without saying that this is also Carter's favorite vacuum. He loves to help carry throughout the house- and the fact that my 16 month old toddler can carry it? Is simply a testament to the lightweight and easy to use nature of this vacuum. 

Last but not least, I will admit- this was my first experience using an upright bag vacuum. In the past, every vacuum I've used has been a bag-less one. I wasn't quite sure how I'd feel about having to change out the bags every so often but Loyals, it is so incredibly easy with this Oreck

One of my favorite features of this bag system? The HEPA inner bag. This feature is great for homes with a little bit of extra dust, particles and other allergens. It's absolutely a great fit for us and the 110lb lovable fluff ball we call Sheepie! 

The Saniseal System automatically seals shut, locking dirt in the disposable filter bad and ensuring a strong seal. This makes bag changes an absolute breese and I know I can breathe easy while doing so. 

So, Loyals. Are you ready to enter for YOUR chance to win your very own Oreck Forever Series Gold Vacuum? The fine and friendly folks at Oreck have graciously agreed to give away one vacuum to ONE lucky Loyal! Oh, happy day! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have been EYEING the Oreck vacuum's for a while ... LOVE this one, especially the "flick of a wrist turning feature" and the handy portable vac ... Super awesome - Does #1 ever win ?? :)

  2. it on;y weighs 9 pounds! now THAT is what i like most about it!

  3. First off...since we moved into our new house and I made my other half throw out of piece of crap old vacuum then promised to get a new one with a couple weeks (I didn't)...we've needed one for over 2 months! Secondly...the HEPA filter is SUCH a key feature and the length of the cord is AMAZING!

  4. Well, these pics are a GREAT start to my Monday! I was just thinking last week that the only thing I wish my new vac had was headlights! My old one had them, and I love know...for all that nocturnal vacuuming I do :)

  5. Oh I how I love the bristles! Baseboards are a pain and those would come in so handy!

  6. I lOve that it only weighs 9 pounds! That would certainly make the stairs less painful!!

  7. I desperately need a new vacuum! Great giveaway!

  8. I like the try it for 30 days policy! Yay for customer service!

  9. It's only 9 pounds??? That's my favorite thing. I hate lugging my vacuum up the stairs! This would be perfect!

  10. Love how light it is!! Is there anything worse than lugging a heavy vacuum across the living room? I think not.

  11. 9 lbs rocks for baby mama's to be who aren't supposed to be lugging those darn things around anyway!!

  12. I love that it is lightweight and has a two speed motor that can be used on carpet and drapery!

  13. I love how long the cord is! Craziness!

  14. You are soo funny! I love the pictures, you make a great vacuum model:) and so does sheepie! Oh, and I love your Christmas tree!

  15. Sign me up! I've been hearing great things about Oreck lately, so this is a very apropos giveaway. Hope you're feeling well, have a great Monday :)

  16. Three included tune-ups & a life time warranty? It's making my heart flutter.

  17. I love that it is so light (I hate vacuuming the stairs!)and those little brissles! I NEED a new vacuum. Our old house had central vac, this one not so much. :( Thank you!! Cruz thanks you too seeing as I vaccum constantly becase of her hair!

  18. I love that the cord is 35 feet long! How fabulous to be able to get so far.

  19. I love that it weighs 9lbs. I would be able to zip around our house in no time.

  20. I learned that with purchase you also get 3 annual tune-ups. (Rust in rafflecopter entry)

  21. How did you know I was cussing at my vacuum all day yesterday. I need a stronger suction (that's what she said) and annual tune ups? Yes Please!

  22. Literally took my first break today to enter! And I also see a little deco mesh in the background...looks good.

    And really, I didn't know that Oreck was so cutting edge with the HEPA in each bag. Smart people over there at Oreck.

    Thanks for hosting!

  23. This girl needs a new vacuum. Something fierce.

    And, these pictures made my day!

  24. Crazy how light weight it is... will be awesome with the little helper we have at home.

  25. The bristles are AWESOME. Need this. My two cats and I NEED IT. AHHHH! Such a great giveaway!

  26. The headlights would be KEY! I have so many tiny dark corners

  27. I hope I look as sexy as you when I vacuum. Combine that with leggings as pants..and baby #2 will be here before I know it!

  28. I'm so excited about the bristles and the fact it only weighs 9lbs. My current vacuum is about 3 times that heavy.

  29. AP! I do believe this confirms we were seperated at birth! HA! I just said the other day when I walked in our office, which had been freshly vacumned----"OH I LOVE VAC LINES" and was stared at like I was a NUT CASE! But it's true. I do love me some vacumn lines! Sign me up for this lovely give-away!!!!! And for the love, please pick me! ;)


  30. I love that it will go from carpet to tile! Right now I have TWO vacuums and I hate switching back and forth!

    PS The pictures are hilarious! You look fantastic! I can't believe your adorable baby bump already!

  31. We are getting new flooring after the first of the year so we have been shopping vacuums. This one looks great! I love the bristle feature since I pretty much loathe our baseboards!

  32. I rreeeeaaaallllyyy need a new vacuum!!! This one looks fabulous!!!!

  33. The vacuum I own weighs like a hundred pounds!! I have to get the better half to carry it up and down the stairs and then back down into the basement when I am done w/ it!! The Oreck weighing only 9 lbs is incredible and 3 annual tune-ups?? Sounds good to me and that its made and engineered in the US of A!!

  34. Your vacuum lines got me all hot and bothered on a Monday morning! Love how light it is and how long the cord is!

  35. The vacuum I own weighs like a hundred pounds!! I have to get the better half to carry it up and down the stairs and then back down into the basement when I am done w/ it!! The Oreck weighing only 9 lbs is incredible and 3 annual tune-ups?? Sounds good to me and that its made and engineered in the US of A!!

  36. I love that it's seriously only 9lbs, but I love that inner bag to captures at least 99.97% of particles! Having a kid with allergies and asthma this is so important!

  37. The long cord is what does it for me. I love me a good long cord :)

  38. Oh, sweet little bristle thingies...I want to hug them!

  39. Love that it is so lightweight! And has two speed settings! nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com

  40. Love that it is so lightweight! And has two speed settings! nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com

  41. That the Hepa filter is key feature!

  42. I love that it is so lightweight and works great to pick up dog hair! Also love the portable hand vac for smaller jobs!

  43. Oh my gosh, it only weighs NINE lbs?! I NEED one in my life!! My biggest vacuuming pet peeve is probably dragging my vacuum up and down the stairs!! And it's not even THAT heavy, but 9lbs sounds like a dream!

  44. I want, I want!! Gimme, gimme, gimme! And by the way, you look absolutely adorable!!

  45. wow! enter me! what a great giveaway

  46. Like you, I never thought a vacuum could whip me into such a frenzy. I guess this is part of motherhood :) I'd LOVE to win!!!

  47. I LOVE the hand vac option...I need something like that with all of my hardwood floors and dog hair! Thanks, mama!

  48. I LOVE the hand vac option...I need something like that with all of my hardwood floors and dog hair! Thanks, mama!

  49. Wow! That vacuum sounds amazing! A good vacuum is a must when you have a baby that is constantly looking for things off the floor to eat.

  50. Looooooove!
    I personally think it's pretty awesome that it only weighs 9 pounds! Uh thats awesome!

  51. At 9 pounds the Oreck Gold weighs a fraction of my current monster vacuum. Seeing as I'm scheduled for my second c-section on 2/1 this lightweight vac would be super helpful!!

  52. Ahhhh... Our vacuum just broke yesterday! I guess all the German Shepard hair finally took its toll!

    Can't believe it is only 9 pounds! That would be great to take up and down the stairs.

    Hope I'm the lucky gal!

  53. I would love a new vacuum! I love the side bristles and that it is only 9 lbs!

  54. Lifetime warranty was the part of Orek's Forever Gold line that spoke my language. 3 yearly tune ups would mean that I wouldn't have to dissect it myself to clean the yucky stuff out of the brush so it would run well. :)

  55. LOVEEEE - who doesn't love a new vacuum?! I cannot believe how much I vacuum now that we have hardwood floors on two levels! Great giveaway :o)

  56. So light and portable and functional! Cool. And I love how you make it look so much fun to use!

  57. love it! i love that it only weighs 9 lbs! my toddler tends to play with the vacuum so if it feel it wouldn't hurt him! :)

  58. Your post might have just convinced me to go Oreck over Dyson... and I LOVE my Dyson!

  59. I love that it's lightweight and has a nice long old vac is on it's last legs and I almost put one on my Christmas list!!!

  60. I want it! I love that is is lightweight and powerful! Usually you get one or the other! Sign me up!!!

  61. Love that it is only 9 pounds and its baseboard edge cleaning feature. Great for getting all the dog hair that our black lab sheds!

  62. This looks amazing! The hubs would love to see me vacuuming the curtains! Great giveaway!

  63. I'm a follower, of course.

    I love the edge brushes...perfect for the dog/cat hair that is all over my house!!

  64. It's a beautiful machine! Can't beat the Oreck name, either!

  65. Wow - 2.5 times lighter than my 1-year-old?! Awesome!

  66. Wow - 2.5 times lighter than my 1-year-old?! Awesome!

  67. 9 lbs and 2 speeds, I would like to win!

  68. Love the limited lifetime warranty!!! With a dog and a toddler...I vaccuum A LOT!

  69. I LOVE this vacuum and especially because it is lightweight! Yay!

  70. Oh my goodness, I LOVE the fact that it only weighs 9 lbs! I have a clingy 15 month old, and it is almost impossible to vacuum while holding her. This would help so much! :)

  71. Um hello could you be any cuter in these pics?! I think not! So this itty bitty sucker only weighs 9 lbs! That is kinda incredible I must say!And you had me at HEPA filters!

  72. So light! Loving the 9 pounds! You look great by the way!

  73. I think the long cord would be super helpful in my one bedroom apartment. My place isn't that big but the outlets are placed in weird spots and I always have to unplug the vac in order to reach all of the nooks and crannies. This sounds like it would be a life saver in that department.

  74. My parents have had an Oreck for about 5 years now and I love it.. I used to vacuum a lot when I lived at home because I actually wanted to! I love how you can use them LYING FLAT to get under chairs and hard-to-reach places! My boyfriend was about to order me one, but I told him to save his money for an organic mattress for the baby instead and we will maybe get one later. I hope we get one sooner than later :)

  75. Love the 35 foot cord and that it is light weight. My carpets need this vacuum. I have a 3yo and 20mo, so my carpets are in sad shape

  76. This could not be any more perfect timing!!! Our 10 year old Dyson is literally on it's last leg and with twitterverse all abuzz with the Oreck love, this would be perfect!! Thanks, momma!!

  77. It has a 35 ft cord! That is perfect!!!

    Love the pics! ;)

  78. It would hard to pick between the long cord and the switching from tile to carpet as a favorite thing.

  79. I would LOVE this vacuum! The one I have now is just bulky and doesn't work that well. It's a giant (literally) pain in the butt.

    I love the bristles on the side and how it can go from carpet to other types of flooring without having to switch any settings!

  80. This vacuum sounds AMAZING! I like that it's lightweight as that's partly why I hate my current vacuum - it's so big and bulky (not to mention I swear it doesn't suck up stuff as well as it should!). The lifetime guarantee on this sounds nice too!

  81. I love that it's perfect for so many different types of flooring.

  82. Oh my, what an awesome giveaway!!

    I cannot believe it only weighs 9 lbs! That is amazing! And those bristles, well they make my heart smile.

  83. Man, do I need a vacuum in the worst way! I love that this one is lightweight. And, those scrubby baseboard brush things - genius!!!

  84. I am totally coveting this vacuum! I love that it only weighs NINE pounds! :)

  85. Ooh, I love that it only weighs nine pounds! :) I'm a new follower, love your blog. :)

  86. The long cord had me at hello. Biggest pet peeve ever!

  87. I love the way it'll clean up doggie hair! Definitley something I need!:)

    And if I won, I would give it to my mom so the 9 lbs. would be her favorite thing.

  88. Those bristely things? Ahhhmazing.

  89. LOVE! I think that it's really cool that it has 2 speeds, as well.

  90. i can't believe how light it is! there's nothing worse than a big, clunky vacuum.

  91. I love that it goes on the hard floor and the carpet!

  92. 9 LBS? It just so happens I am in the market for a new one. Mine finally crapped out the other day :(

  93. I love the two speeds and the 35 ft cord! Awesomesauce!
    farrah dot ritter at gmail dot com

  94. I need this vacuum in my life. Even if I don't win, which I hope that I do, this is now on my wish list!

  95. I love the 35 foot cord and the fact that it only weighs 9 pounds!

  96. What a great giveaway!! count me in pretty please :)


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.