
Monday, November 5, 2012

Paper Hole Reinforcement Manicure :: Hey, That's Pin-tastic!

Disclaimer: I firmly believe that I should get extra "cool" points for giving myself this manicure by flashlight after losing power due to Hurricane Sandy. A girl can only take so many rounds of UNO with her parents before she moves on to another equally riveting activity. 

This manicure was actually based on a pin that this blogger linked up during one of the first few weeks of Hey, That's Pintastic! She chose to use round sticker labels and I, Avery paper hole reinforcements. I didn't follow any directions and assumed this manicure was rather self-explanatory. I do, however, have a few do's and do not's. 

1. Do apply 2 liberal coats of colored polish to your nails. 
2. Do apply your top coat prior to adhering the reinforcement sticker and again after liberally applying your glitter tip.
3. Most importantly, wait for EACH coat to dry completely before pressing down your reinforcement sticker.
4. Do NOT press down your reinforcement sticker so that it sticks flat to your nail. 
5. Do press down your reinforcement sticker just enough so as to create your desired tip line. If you do press your sticker down too much it WILL leave a gross sticky-tape-y residue on your freshly polished nail that will be near impossible to get off. Just take my word for it. 

I randomly stumbled upon the gold glitter polish from the GAP outlet and having never tried an "off-brand" nail polish, I had my doubts. I will say, however, that this gold polish is super thick and perfect for the coverage I needed when painting just the tip of my nails. 

All in all, I will say using paper reinforcement holes to achieve the perfect "french tip" is a great idea if you have the patience to wait until each coat of polish is dry before applying it. Perhaps the age old phrase "practice makes perfect" applies to this? I will definitely be trying it again in the future. 

Thanks so much to everyone who has linked up with me each week! I really do have a blast reading through each and every post that links up. Although a bit slow, I do pin every post that includes a link or the Hey, That's Pin-tastic Button to the official Hey, That's Pin-tastic pin board.. which by the way has over 870 followers! Be sure to follow along there and keep track of all the Pin-wins and Pin-fails! 

I've also loved hearing from so many of you that Pinterest or ILYMTC has been a top referring site to your blog each week that you've participated. That's totally Pin-tastic! Be sure to link up those posts below and I look forward to checking them out! Happy Monday! 


  1. I've wondered if this really works. Love the color combo you chose! Thanks for the tips on DIY French Manicure! I'm excited to be part of the Pintastic fun and looking forward to following along.

  2. Not sure what the guidelines are but I grabbed your button for my party page and am now following via GFC, Twit, FB, & Pin! TFTP!

  3. Looks great! Perfect for the holidays!

  4. I love your manicure and am very impressed you did it with just a flashlight. ;)

    I haven't painted my finger nails in years. Polish just won't stay on them. Typing & dish washing just does a number on them. Even with a professional manicure.

  5. LOVE it!! Looks so professional!!!

  6. LOVE it!! Looks so professional!!!

  7. I'm gonna have to try this! I can never make it look right, but this may help!

  8. I can't get your button to work - the code just shows your website addy and nothing else. I still linked up! Sorry I'm a Pin-tastic virgin!

  9. So chic! I too have never used an "off" brand polish. Glad to know it worked out!

  10. Ahh - what a clever idea for a french mani. I will definitely be trying this!! I absolutely love the colors that you chose!! :)

    Thanks for hosting such a great link up - even if I don't always join in - I'm reading them!!! :)

  11. Looks great! I am sad to say I never got my act together this week for a Pinterest crafts. I will be back next week!

  12. you rock those glitter tips, girl!

  13. Thanks for the link up! I am new to blogging and a new follower.
    Great nails!


Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.