
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Looking For Cute And Affordable Kiddie Gifts? Look No Further!

Hey there, Loyals! Today I wanted to showcase two darling ILYMTC sponsors whose shops would be the perfect go-to's for upcoming kiddie parties- birthdays, showers, Easter... you name it, each of these ladies wares would be the perfect gift or addition to any gift you could give! 

Mom to four, yes FOUR, beautiful kids, Brittany finds herself creating some incredibly beautiful handmade wreaths, hair accessories and more! in her free time. And with a shop name referencing one of the greatest movies of all times, Forrest Gump, how could you not love her? 

Want a sneak peek into her shop? You bet! 

And how about the beautiful Suri {Cruise} headband she recently debuted? 

Be sure to connect with Brittany herehere and here!

Jennifer of jdavis squared is the brilliant and crafty lady behind some of the most adorable custom and personalized hand painted piggy banks, snack bowls, picture frames and canvases around. I cannot wait until The Husband and I agree on M2's name because he will most certainly be in need of a custom piggy bank! 

What's even sweeter? Her husband, Jon, is always eager to lend a helping hand. Be sure to follow Jennifer and her sweet shop and Facebook as well as Twitter andEtsy! You won't want to miss reading her personal blog either!


  1. Very cute, going to check out their sites :)

  2. so cute, thank you for sharing

    Check it out if you are interesting.

    I'm giving a giveaway for a design blog, the talented sisters from Truly Your blog, they will be drawing a blog something you want, with props, a draw picture that look likes you. Interesting? Go on and enter and hope to win... TODAY is the last day to enter

    Today is the last day to enter... Go on, its fun :D



Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.