
Friday, January 13, 2012

Bumpdate :: 17 Weeks and Growing!

Top: A Pea In The Pod, Bottoms: Black (Beneath The Belly Band) Slacks, Old Navy

{17 Weeks!}

Total Weight Gained/Loss? I've gained 5lbs since my first weigh-in at 8 weeks. I've said it before and I'll say it again- I cannot gain another 48lbs. with this pregnancy. At least I could blame 10lbs of it on baby the first time around, but still. I just. can't. do. it. 

Maternity Clothes: I've been in maternity jeans since 9 weeks. I'm still managing to squeak by in some of my pre-pregnancy tops from JCrew but let's face it- maternity is just more comfortable. My favorite jeans are my Mavi Maternity Skinnies and a few of my favorite tops are from Isabella Oliver, A Pea in the Pod and trusty Old Navy. 

Sleep: Kind of shoddy. Since I'm relegated to sleeping only on my side now, I've been waking up throughout the night with the most awful hip pain ever. Since I've had C, my right hip tends to ache and feel stiff a lot, but I've easily attributed that to carrying around a nearly 10lb. child. With C, my hip pain didn't start until much later in pregnancy- it's nice to know it's rearing it's ugly head already.  

Best Moment of the Week? Last week, we found out M2 is going to be another sweet baby BOY! Does that count?

Movement? Definitely. I know I said I started feeling it much earlier this time around- closer to 12 weeks rather than the 18 week mark with C. I definitely feel him in there and I can tell he likes to stay curled up on my left side. Lot's of little pokes and the occasional "roll" feeling. So incredibly awesome. 

Food Craving? Candy. Sour candy. Sweet candy. Chewy candy. Candy, candy, candy.  Yogurt with granola. Chipotle/Qdoba burritos. Spicy sushi. 

Food aversions: Sadly? None. I'm pretty much game for anything and everything this time around. Nom. Nom. Nom. 

Morning sickness? For the love of all things holy, WHY am I still nauseous? It was not like this with C. 17 weeks and going strong. Woof. 

Gender? C's going to have a little BROTHER! 

Labor Signs? No thank you.

Belly Button? Out. Like way, way out. Already.

What I miss? With all of the burrito-eating I've been doing lately, I could REALLY go for a margarita. I even asked The Husband to whip up a batch of virgin margs the other day. Shameless, really.

What I'm looking forward to: Hosting my future Sister-in-Love's Bridal Shower on the 21st of this month and our anatomy scan on the 30th!

Happy Friday, Loyals! Have a great weekend!


  1. Adorable! You look awesome and I'm totally resolving to be a more trendy pregnant mama next time around.

    Have a great weekend! :)

  2. I have more aches and pains this time around too. I feel like I'm due any day but I've got a good 4 months to go.

  3. You look awesome mama!!!

    Feeling the baby move was my favorite. Such a beautiful miracle, it is the best!!!

  4. Such a cute little bump. You are so lucky in the sense that its painfully obviously you are preggers and don't have to go through that awkward "preg? Or just fat?" stage from people - that will be me!

  5. Loves it! And really like the shirt!!

  6. You look so good! I could really go for some Qdoba right now.

  7. You look awesome and I love that shirt!

  8. Looking great little momma! Keep on trucking and taking things one day at a time!

  9. Ummm could you be any cuter? I mean really--you're a hottie. Hot mamaaaa!

  10. You look great! And I'm jealous you would out so early what you are having! :)

  11. Oh hai, you look absolutely beautiful in that picture! That top is a great color for you.

  12. You wear pregnancy well momma! You look awesome!

  13. You are the hottest preggo ever!!!! I can't even take it!! Looovvveee that top girlfriend!! Hope that nausea peaces out soon! Xo

  14. You look gorgeous! I may need to go find that top.

    And I'm with you on the hip pain--it's not fun! If you find a way to get rid of it, please let me know!

  15. You look great! And, even though there are no immediate plans for a second baby, I too have already resolved myself to not gain the 45+ lbs that I did with my first.

  16. You look soooo pretty here!

    As a non-mama I can tell you I'm always surprised at how much more prominent the "bump" is after baby # 1! Yours is cute cute cute here!

  17. LOVE that top!!! I am looking forward to breaking out my comfy maternity clothing in the future. I'll take elastic waistbands any day. Till then I will be in pants!

  18. You look so adorable! I love that top!

    I really wish not every food in the world would sound delicious to me either. Not good.

  19. You are already glowing…love this update, and love your top! :)

  20. Cute baby bump! For the 2nd one, I was nauseous longer too, until about 22 weeks. Hope you get to feeling better soon!

  21. You're making all the other pregnant women look bad. So pretty, AP.

  22. You look so cute!! I'm with you on the maternity clothes. I hear some ladies just "decide" they're not gonna wear maternity, and I think... how do you know you'll just fit into your regular jeans all pregnancy? I mean that's not necessarily something you can decide. That being said... I am definitely on the hunt for some more fashionable maternity than what I currently have in my wardrobe. Here's hoping!

  23. You look amazing! And I love that top! Hope you have a great weekend!

  24. You are super cute! Love Love Love your hair!

  25. You look amazing! Have you talked your husband into your name yet?? Anxiously awaiting the NAME reveal!

  26. You look amazing! Your top is adorable.

  27. you look absolutely darling! Loving your shirt!!!

  28. Umm you look STUNNING! Seriously. Congrats on baby BOY! And thanks for maknig me want some Q'doba three cheese nachos!

  29. Well, aren't you just the prettiest mama (again) to be! :)

  30. You look great! And I gained 50 with my first and only 35 with my second so its possible. Fingers crossed for you!

  31. Oh my gosh, when I was pregnant with Monroe my hips hurt so badly and they never really recovered. This pillow saved my life. Unfortunately, I still have to sleep with it or I wake up with aches.

    So much better than a regular pillow because it's slim enough that you can roll over easily. I got mine at walmart for less than 15 bucks. btw-i just googled memory foam between the leg pillow and it actually worked. Good luck!,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1440&bih=770&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=1418529527829142698&sa=X&ei=arcST6WGJ4yUtweA48TlAQ&ved=0CKsBEPMCMAQ

  32. Great update! I have been wondering about all of this!! I am also so curious to know if he will be big like C! Pleas keep us posted! and you look GREAT. Love that outfit

  33. you look so good!! pregnancy sure does suit you lady!

  34. Stunning, stunning, stunning my sweet friend :) You should be a model - when you are pregnant and when you aren't!!

    Oh I have been SO SHY about taking belly pictures....need to get on it ASAP now that 17 weeks is here! EEEK!

    Hugs and xx!! xoxo

  35. You are looking so fantastic! I love that top!

  36. You look amazing! Best wishes for a great pregnancy!


  37. You look great!!! And congrats on another boy!!! C's going to be the best big brother!

    Hope the morning sickness goes away soon!


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