
Monday, October 31, 2011

I've Still Got It, Vintage Snowsuits and Our Fall Family Photo Fail.

When 8 inches of snow falls in less than 24 hours in Hometown, New Jersey on the third to last day in October, it is most definitely a blog-worthy event. 

Although I spent an unmentionable amount of money on a brand new outfit, super cute clutch and brand spanking new makeup only to find out that my 10 Year High School Reunion was cancelled a mere two hours before it was scheduled to begin, it was worth it. 

The blister I'm rocking on my thumb thanks to the curling iron and the most successful curl-down I've achieved thus far? Again, worth it. It was just nice to know that after 15 months of Motherhood? I've still got it.

Dressing Carter up in a myriad of warm clothes so that he could frolic in the snow? Once again, worth it. Even if it included stuffing him into the "vintage" snowsuit and boots that my brother rocked in 1992. Yes, you read that right. 1992. It's a good thing my Mom holds onto all that sh*t. 

Remember how I said I was a major Mom-fail and hadn't yet bought C a Halloween costume? Solved. Thanks to my mother for holding onto one of my brother's very first Halloween costumes circa 1993. 

I don't think I've mentioned this much around these parts but my Dad is a great photographer. He's taught me all I know and I really love his eye for small details. Another one of the reasons why I was so excited to come home this weekend was so that he could, once again, shoot our family Christmas card. On our drive up from Maryland I couldn't stop talking about how ah-mazing all of the trees looked and how thankful I was that we're able to squeeze these pictures in before they all fall to the ground. 

And then it snowed. So? That *perfect family picture* that I had in mind? You know, the one of us all frolicking in the leaves and crisp Fall air? Yeah, not gonna happen. Looks like I may need to rethink our wardrobe and plan for something a bit more "Our Aspen-like Family Getaway." Lame.

Such is life, Loyals. Such is life. 

Apologies for the hodge-podge post this morning, Loyals, but once again, Monday sneaks up out of nowhere and b*tchslaps you across the face. Or wait, maybe that's just me. Happy Monday, Loyals!


  1. WTF they canceled your reunion and you were all dressed up and no where to go?! I hope you and the MR had a nice date!

  2. I can't believe they canceled it! Loving C in the bro's snowsuit ;)

  3. Needless to say, I missed you and your pearls and Tory Burch's Saturday. PS, I bought Tory Buch glasses last year and didn't even know it. One of E's friends, who is way more fashionable than I am, complimented me. Who knew?

  4. Lame about cancelling the reunion, but your outfit looked fab!!!

    Hopefully you can figure out another Christmas card location :)

    Oh and Monday definitely does the same to me!!

  5. aww, i hate they cancelled the reunion. hopefully it gets re-scheduled so you can get all dressed up again!

  6. I still cant believe your reunion got cancelled. Bummer!

    Those pics of C are adorable! My mom saves everything too but I cant believe she saved a snow suit..haha. Makes for cute pics though.

  7. Sad that your 10 year got cancelled. I am sure you look faboosh. And also, stop with the cute baby pictures I am trying to fight off the baby fever.

    Also, just saying that when Mr. and I finally expand the brood you could always come to CA and take tons of pictures. :)

  8. Carter rocks every outfit he wears! Circa '92 or the '11's. I hate that they cancelled the reunion.. that blows. But you def. still got it, sister!

  9. Awww! Well, for what it's worth C looks ADORABLE in his snow suit, seriously. And I'm sure he loved his "first snow where he knew what was going on." Hope you have a great Halloween! xo

  10. why did they cancel it?!
    hope they are re-scheduling!

  11. I'm pretty sure Monday bitchslaps anyone with the title "mom" every single week. I hate that your photos got snowed out, but seriously that outfit C is rockin? Pretty sure I had the girl version in purple circa 1987.HA!

    Happy Halloween :)

  12. That stinks about your reunion. Mine was rather underwhelming and I'm not sure I'll go to one again. C looks adorable in the snow!

  13. I love when you said, "I've still got it." I had one of those moments recently too. Great outfit!

  14. 8 inches of snow cancelled your did say Jersey, right?!?! At least you got a super cute outfit out of the deal:) The pics of Carter in the snow are adorable..and too funny that your mom saved all that stuff - my mom is the same way - she is constantly sending my old baby stuff my way - ha!

    Hope you guys had a good halloween and all went well at your 230 today!

  15. he reminds me so much of Ralphie.

    If you don't know who Ralphie is, I will have to reevaluate our friendship.

  16. I can't get over all that snow, while I'm sitting here complaining about 82 degrees!! Love the outfit!

  17. I love the vintage snowsuit - that's hilarious!


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