
Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Bunny Hop-Prints - How To!

Last week, I mentioned here about how, when growing up, I would awaken to powder bunny prints scattered throughout the house on Easter morning. It was a sure sign that The Bunny has visited our house and left behind a surprise treat or two! After 26 years, the secret is finally out. Up until this weekend, I had zero idea how my parents The Easter Bunny left his prints behind.
What you'll need:
1. Baby Powder
2. Scissors
3. Construction paper, oak tag or a shoebox lid. Word on the street is that the construction paper works best, as it's the easiest to cut through.
What you do:
1. Using a large wooden spoon, trace out your Bunny print. If you're super talented, go ahead and free-hand. Add three toes.
2. Carefully cut out print.
3. Dump a few handfuls of powder right inside your front door. Obviously this is the "trap" that The Bunny must hop through in order to pick up the powder for his prints. Duh!
4. Get creative and stencil The EB's path throughout your house by laying down the constrcution paper and lightly tapping the baby powder to fill in the stencil.
I can remember a few solid years when the Bunny would enter our house, hop through the entryway, halfway up the stairs, turn around and continue on his jaunt throughout the kitchen, dining room and finally landing in the living room where the tracks would stop right in front of our baskets. 
Word to the wise? It's quite a mess. If you know this beforehand, you won't be as shocked as I was to find baby powder quickly scattered throughout the entire house. Especially when a certain Sheepie ran through the "trap" at the front door. 
But it's oh so damn cute. Needless to say, this will be a family tradition that I'm ridiculously excited to continue throughout C's childhood!

The M's had a fabulous time celebrating C's First Easter with Gammie and Poppy in New Jersey. As you're reading this, we've piled the family back into the car and are headed back on our way to Home Sweet, Maryland. Why is it that weekends at home are never long enough? GammieandPoppyweloveyouandmissyoualready!
We hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Happy Monday!

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  1. I love this!! Might try it next year :) How funny that Sheepie ran through it!! I bet that was annoying and hilarious all at the same time :)

  2. Oh that's so awesome! I can't wait to try that next year! There will be two pups running through as well, but oh well haha. Thanks for posting the how to! =)

  3. That is too cute and precious! Might try that next year...have a feeling the dogs would get that everywhere LOL!

  4. so cute! I wish i knew about thuis before easter, I would have done it! oh well, next year.

  5. What a cute idea! I'm sure my cats will do exactly what Sheepie did and run through the stuff! And thanks for bringing some gorgeous weather to NJ for Easter - after Saturday's crappy weather, Sunday sure was a treat!

  6. What a cute idea! I might have to try that next year for the girls!

    Loved your family pic yesterday, y'all are presh!

  7. This is such a cute idea! I will have to remember it for next year. :)

  8. BEST idea eva'!! Totally doing this next year!

  9. Fun! We used to do Leprechaun prints on St. Patrick's day when I was teaching Kindergarten, the kids totally fell for it ever year!

  10. How stinking cute! I will have to remember that for next year.

  11. I LOVE this!! I am so doing this next year!!

  12. Great mom used to use the holiday confetti (like shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day) and make trails in the house from the doggy door. :) It will make great memories!

  13. sooo cute. My kids would love that! So doing that next year. or maybe tomorrow, since we have like ten million rabbits who live in our yard...

  14. What an adorable idea!!! My parents always had great Santa signs but never anything from the Easter bunny. I'll def have to try this out next year!!! Thanks for the tutorial - hope you guys had a wonderful first Easter with Carter:)

  15. Ahh, my parents used to do that to! The bunny prints led from our bed, all around the house, and ended up by our easter baskets. Totally freaked my brother out that a bunny was watching him while he slept. ;) I thought it was adorable! I love that you did it for C!!

  16. So adorable! We weren't "home" for Eater this year, but can't wait to try next year!


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