
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gratuitous Sheepie Picture Post. Quick, get your Sheepie Fix!

Remember this guy? I'm starting to have nightmares that we're going to forget all about him once Baby Boy arrives and it's really been unsettling for me! Some of the books I've been reading suggest that in the weeks before babe's birth, you should start "weaning" your attention from your pup ever so slowly. Are you kidding me? There's no way I'm giving up sheepie snuggles! If anything, I can't spend enough time with the big guy right now! Since moving down here and taking on the new role of Stay at Home Wife, we've been virtually inseparable. We nap together. We watch Regis and Kelly together. We've even graduated to sharing some midnight snacks together! (Don't judge!)

Yes, we've begun preparing him. We've been practicing our "good boy" behavior when we're in the nursery together and I've begun playing for him wav files of newborns crying, screaming and downright wailing. In true Sheepie-fashion, Sullivan couldn't care any less. Nothing phases this dog and I'm pretty sure he's excited to meet his new little brother. How do I know? Well, he just told me, of course!  Here's just a few quick iPhone pics of one of the cutest sheepies I've ever seen (aside from Stella, of course!)

Showing off his new haircut

One of his favorite napping spots, displaced rug and all.

Quality snug-time with Teddy, while Mom blogs.

His other favorite napping spot...

I can't help myself! Most days, I just can't get enough of this ridiculously goofy, cuddly lovebug!


  1. Aww Sheepie is too cute! I'd be doing the same thing as you, spending as much time with him as possible!

  2. Awww I love the picture of him napping on his back! Leather furniture is smart. We had to stop letting our boys lay on our was getting hard to clean it and starting to stink really badly! :( Plus I figured, better to do it now then when the baby is here etc. but it was still hard.

  3. People do always say once you have babies, your dogs stop mattering as much. I cant even fathom my dogs ever being shunned to the outside 24/7 or getting less love. Of course they wont come before the baby but not much will change. Mark my words!

  4. Awww!! This post is too sweet! I WANT SHEEPIE!!

    I can totally can completely relate to how you're feeling! Our puppy is our LIFE right now & she is SOOO incredibly spoiled, it's ridiculous. I'm SOOO scared she's going to be completely neglected once baby is here :(

    I'm going to try my best not tocompletely forget about the poor thing.

    p.s. All of these pictures made me tear up! (thanks hormones) He is just such a sweet doggie!!

  5. Mr. B and I were the same way when I was pregnant. Napping, snacking, all that. To be honest, it didn't change too much once Meredith was born. Maybe the first few weeks, but that was it. We still take naps together when she naps, and there are tons of snuggles at night once she goes to bed. And he gets about a million snuggles from her now during the day! I'm sure you'll all do just fine once the little guy comes!

  6. He so sweet! I'm glad that you're spending as much time as you can with him. I love the picture of him napping on the couch. Too cute!

  7. I love it. We started prepping James too and I've got to say I've been sooo impressed with her.

  8. I LOVE him :) How could you not want to spend every waking moment with him?? :)

  9. What a sweet pup! I've already started thinking about what to do to help my boxer tranistion when we welcome Baby P in Jan! I'm glad you posted this! Its nice to hear other people love their dog so much and how they are working with him to prepare for a new baby!

  10. Just found your blog<3 LOVE IT. I am also part of the medical field, so props to us :)

    Come enter my giveaway with Brooklyn Thread!
    XO Lynzy

  11. He is so stinkin' cute. I think he will love having a sibling. Another person to cuddle with!

  12. he's so cute! i too am scared that come october when my baby boy arrives we will forget to love on our furbabies. the dog whisperer has some great tips on how to ease the transistion between your human baby and furbaby!

  13. thanks for the shout out! i'll be sure to let stella know she's famous. sully is so cute. i love it when they lay against the wall like that - i think they like the coolness of it. sully and baby boy will be best buds, i'm sure of it.

  14. I miss that Sheepie! Glad to see you and Sheepie are doing well. Please send some hugs his way from his "all-time favorite doggie sitter".

  15. I just found your blog I love it!!!!!!!! I am 33 1/2 weeks preggo with baby girl, and also and nurse and live in Maryland.. how fun is that! Are you still working or on Maternity leave yet?

  16. i love sheepie posts!! you love him too much to ever neglect him!


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