Wednesday, January 25, 2012

So, What's Carter Thinking? Caption Contest.

For those of you who are new to these parts, this past June I launched a little passion of mine. It's called little joys. photography and it allows me to do more of what I love. Capture your life's little joys. Recently, little joys. and I have been partnering with various retail companies for vendor shoots. This means companies will send me (ahem, Carter) clothes and accessories in exchange for professionally edited pictures for them to use for marketing/sales. Really, it's a win-win and I'm so happy to have connected with so many amazing companies in doing so.

Yesterday's session was a little different. An incredible smocking company from Asheville, North Carolina reached out me and asked if I would be interested in reviewing a children's garment on my blog. Was The Toddler born a man-child? Heck yes, I'll review your  adorable children's clothing! And as soon as the garment arrived, I set out to capture Carter wearing his new threads. 

I attempted to capture these photos after a morning FULL of "modeling" various t-shirts and shorts for an upcoming vendor's Facebook auction. Needless to say, I may or may not have pushed my limits. What do you think?

You tell me. What's Carter thinking?

The Husband and I can't wait to read your thoughts. I have a feeling I may even pee my pants a little from laughing so hard. Who knows, we may or may not even gift the funniest commentor a little something, something for their efforts!

Happy Wednesday, Loyals!


  1. "mom- I can only flash these amazing baby blues and a smile for 5 Pictures- 5! You have pushed the limit with pictur #6 and now I will hide my face"

  2. Oh my since he is sporting some long-alls you know I have to mention that ONE GUY!

    "MOM, Please make this guy stop talking about long-alls! Only cute kids like me can rock them"

  3. "NO MORE PICTURES!"... "Unless I get a candy bar and a cup of milk stat sister!"

  4. " Mom! If you try taking one more picture you just might see how I am really feeling right now!"
    He is so adorable by the way!

  5. No, No, No, I'm the talent here and I am done!

  6. "Doh! I just remembered where I hid the remote."

  7. "I'm done, I'm done..."

    Love this picture by the way, too cute! :)

  8. "Mom! you have got to be kidding me. Are we done yet?"

  9. "Mom! you have got to be kidding me. Are we done yet?"

  10. "Mom! you have got to be kidding me. Are we done yet?"

  11. Another LONGALL? WTF, mom?! You've got to be kidding me!

  12. "Mom, I think I might have deuced my britches..."

  13. "You'll be happy in a few minutes that these clothes were free, Mom, if you keep this photoshoot up. Just sayin'."


    "If I keep squishing my baby blues up like this, I'm not gonna be so photogenic anymore, now am I?"

  14. "Another baby?! Isn't Sheepie enough!"

  15. I need a new agent. Who represents those babies on Teen Mom?

  16. "aargh I'd rather be finding treasure"

    "I'd rather be sailing away"

    this is adorable!

  17. "I haven't eaten in 15 minutes and you want me to take ANOTHER picture? Where's my snack?!"

  18. "Maybe if I do these types of poses.. she'll put that thing down and take me out for ice cream!"

  19. i cant BELIEVE mom is making me take ANOTHER DEFINATELY not taking a nap today!

  20. "maybe if i push hard enough on my eye i'll get an eye patch to go with the pirate ship on these longalls"


    "are you for real? more pictures? when do i get paid for this picture taking nonsense?

  21. "Dang. Peek-a-boo is supposed to be with TWO eyes covered?!?! Nice teaching MOM!!! "

  22. "I swear I will love you more than CHOCOLATE if you stop taking my picture"

  23. "I swear I will love you more than CHOCOLATE if you stop taking my picture!"

  24. "If you don't let me get back to watching curious George, I'm going to lose my proverbial shit mom! "

  25. "OMG Mom! What are you? The mommy paparazzi??"

  26. Wait, I missed another mom-noshing-on-cheetos-in-the-bathroom session? Twitter friends, hook a brother up!

  27. "Smock this! I'm ready for some Curious George and a snack, stat."

    PS - please, Pretty please tell us where we can find that darling outfit!

  28. I will hide the next time she tries to drag me into this room! Lighting schmiting!

  29. That smell? Aw, Ma! Sheepie did it!

  30. "I'm going to get you for this outfit in 20 years!" "I'd better NOT see this at my wedding!"

  31. This has got to be the cutest, most hysterical picture I've ever seen!

    To me it looks like, "Grrr... I am one step away from telling this woman where she can put that camera!".

  32. "Mom, did you not get the memo? We live NORTH of the Mason Dixon line. All the kids are laughing at me because they have never heard of a john john. If we don't move South where they get it I am going to poke my eyeballs out."

    Clarification - I am only teasing with my caption, but I couldn't help it!

  33. "You're blinding me with that camera, Ma! Keep it up and I'mma gonna need an eye patch and parrot."
    And you could add toyhe end of that "Where's me snack, arggh, matey!"

    That is an adorable picture by the way!

  34. See, I think he is wise beyond his years. He's thinking much deeper thoughts...

    He's all "WHEN are we gonna pass a national ban on texting and driving?!"

  35. 'ah shit.... There she goes, back in the kitchen again. I've never seen this woman eat like this! You okay Mama?? Pa-leaaase save me Something in there!'

    * please know I am totally kidding but couldn't help based on your 'eating post' the other day! Adorable pic!!!!

  36. "but mom, seriously?? the natural light in here is PERFECT. let's do this."

  37. "I'm go to be a what? Big brother?? You say that like it is a good thing!"

  38. Ugh, its so exhausting working with amatures. Shes been a photographer for 7 months and Ive obv been a male model my whole life. Someone call my agent.

  39. I wish I wasn't so tired ... then maybe I'd be able to think of something somewhat witty to say. But alas, I do not.

  40. "Ugh she is going to KILL me when she finds out where I hid the chocolate. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?"

  41. "Doh, A baby brother?!?"

  42. "Ugh, moooommmmm... not ANOTHER picture?!"

  43. He knocked you up AGAIN?! Oh brother!

  44. "Ma. You press the button, take the picture, move on. Why is this taking so long?"

    ^inspired by the fact that my father shot family pictures with a camera from the 1970s until about halfway through my teens, took about five million pictures of just one pose, and had to fiddle with the light meter and focus between every. single. take.

  45. Moooooooom, you forgot my shirt again!

  46. Geez Mom...I am pretty sure there is a lot more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking. And i plan on finding out what that is.

  47. So freaking cute! He's thinking.. "oh, here she comes with that camera again.. hurry! Hide!"



Thank you for reading ILYMTC. If you have any questions about a post or want to get in touch with me (or any of the cast of characters here at ILYMTC) email me at iloveyoumorethancarrots(at)gmail(dot)com.

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