Friday, May 27, 2011

It's NOT That Kind of Grocery Store.. I Don't Think?

Titillating chips. Now, what aisle do you think they're in? 
Sorry Husband, they were all out. Maybe next time. 

Damn you, auto correct.
Have a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend, Loyals!  

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  1. LOL! LOVE IT!!! I hate auto correct ;) Happy Weekend!

  2. Love it. We've had some pretty awesome auto corrects in our 3 months of having iphones.

  3. Haha the other day, I forget what I was trying to say, but instead of the word I meant, auto correct put "wiggy". Haha.

  4. I think those are in the family planning aisle :)

    I hate auto correct, too. Screws up many Facebook, Twitter and text messages. How does it know to capitalize Netflix but turns "sux" into "sox"...which isn't really the CORRECT spelling?

  5. CRAP. Wrong account again :) You know which "Erin" it is :)

  6. Ha that is awesome. :) Have a fabulous weekend.

  7. i think you need to be 18 or over to buy "titalating chips" :)

  8. hahahaha! I would love to try me some of those. sadly, the phone provider I am with doesn't provide the iphone, and I don't get to be a part of all that auto correct fun :(

  9. Haha! You need to submit that to I think it would easily make the sites top submissions!

  10. Haha that is so funny! Auto correct drives me nuts. I probably would have taken it as spicy chips, lol.

  11. Ha! Auto correct can make things so interesting!


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