Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Screamies - Starring: Carter Michael

Finally. Although a bit deaf, I am absolutely beside myself that I was finally able to capture Carter's new favorite way to pass the time. I call it: The Screamies. This child LOVES to hear himself- always babbling, always coo'ing. Well, that all changed nearly two and a half weeks ago when he discovered the shriek. Now? It's all he does. When he wakes up in the morning? He's all cute and cuddly and babbly.. and then WHAM!

The Screamies. He loves it. He cracks himself up. Meanwhile, my ears are bleeding. Hopefully he learns a new trick very, very soon! Good thing he's just so gosh darn cute!

And for the record, no, his collar is not popped on purpose. Although, he would make quite the cute prepster!


  1. I am completely freaked out right now. I know our boys were born around the same time as each other and are both named carter, but OH MY WORD, I JUST posted a video on our photo site for family of my Carter's new shriek too. Creep!! And cute :) Sometimes I think they are the same kid!

  2. This, too, passes, praise the Lord! Connor shrieked. Now he sounds like he lost his voice and has forgotten to verbalize anything. I wonder why?!?

  3. Sawyer is also loving to scream and shriek and squeal. I love any and every noise that he makes!

  4. I was watching this with Little M and when it was over she said "Oh no baby. It's all right" haha...She was worried he was upset!

  5. I know it's shrieking, but it is so adorable! Plus, he looks so happy with himself afterwards. Also, I might be a little slow to notice, but I love the picture of him on the side. He made the cutest Charlie Brown!

  6. I remember the shrieking... oh my ears! Then they move on to the babbling and the beginning of fits ;) Just the beginning Mama... :)

  7. This cracks me up because Timothy is doing the exact same thing!! And is just a chatty little thing these days too! My FIL says he is trying to tell us stuff, but we are too dumb to understand it! Haha!

  8. OMG KP does THE SAME thing! She thinks it's hilarious!

  9. I think he's telling you to sign him up with a producer. This kid's gonna be a punk-rocker!

  10. My son was a screamer and I hate to tell you, but 4 years later, he still is. When we tickle him, he screams. When we chase him around the house, he screams. Hell, sometimes he sits around and screams just to hear his own voice. For your sake, and ears, I hope that this phase passes for Carter!


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