Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ready To Hit The Slopes...

...In my sweater vest.
Daddy keeps making fun of me,
but Mommy says that I look adorable!


  1. Carter has this outfit and my husband makes fun of it too :) But, like you, I think it's precious.

  2. O my goodness he looks so much like you in this pic, and Carter.. your daddy is just jealous, cuz if he put a sweater vest on mommy prolly wouldnt kiss all over his face and tell him he is the cutest boy around like she does to you!

  3. Oh my gosh he DOES look adorable!

  4. On this one occasion, don't listen to Daddy. He's wrong!

  5. I think it is adorable! I hate when Adam makes a nasty face at something I choose to put on Connor. Men! They just don't get it.. but they put the task of dressing them on us as well!

  6. I love it! He looks adorable!

  7. So cute!! I love babies in serious adult clothes like sweater vests and button down shirts. So precious.

  8. Oh my goodness...he is the cutest thing I have ever seen :)


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