Thursday, October 14, 2010

Just One of Those Mornings...

... when Carter decides it would be funny to engage in the Great Poop Explosion of 2010 while enjoying some tummy-time.

...when Mommy rolls Carter over, who is all smiles and laughter, by the way, only to find poop creeping out the neckhole of his onesie. Yes, I said neckhole.

... when Mommy immediately undresses Carter and doesn't bat an eyelash when she realizes that the poop is now not only covering Carter's arms and torso, but also her own.

... when, to top it all off, Mommy brings the dirty laundry down to the basement to launder and rather than throw it in the washer like intended, she throws it into the dryer with the newly washed clothes that she just removed from the washer (and proceeds to push START on a 60 minute dry-cycle), all because she can hear Carter's blood curdling screams through the floorboards all because she left him alone, for two minutes.

Just another day at the office, I suppose.


  1. haha...oh boy...I'm sure I'm in store for a few of those! ;) 2-5 weeks left, lol...then it's on!

  2. Bless your heart! I know this day too! Hugs!

  3. Thanks for a chuckle! That was just what I needed on this Friday's Eve an hour from leaving the office! That is so sweet, cute, funny, disgusting, and a lot of other stuff all wrapped up into one! Not to mention that I did something similar with the laundry except mine was up-chuck... Oh the life of a Mom :)

  4. Oh rats! What is this Thursday Mondays?? In 50 years you will laugh :) For now you can cringe!

  5. Oh my goodness!! You need a glass of wine. Wanna join me?

  6. Yikes! The neck hole? Woah! I have yet to experience any poo-splosions thanks to the superduper elastic my fancy pants cloth diapers...but I figure my time will come eventually!

  7. HA! This post cracks me up... not that I am laughing at you or anything, but it's just so amazing how life changes! love it

  8. Neckhole while on his tummy.. now that is talent!

  9. Oh goodness! Makes for a good story though, right?! haha I remember I was babysitting my cousin when he was first born and I was 13, and he had an explosion that came out of the neckhole. Imagine a 13 trying to clean that up! hahaha Tomorrow's a new day :)

  10. I'm sorry, I was chuckling while reading this. What a day! Hope it gets better :)

  11. Thanks for the laugh! That was great! I remember similar days almost a year ago! You are a PRO!

  12. Oh my gosh! Just think - this gives you so many great stories for the blog!

  13. yours cries when you walk away too?

    O the joys of motherhood.. we have had to CUT OFF two onesies, because I wasn't pulling that over her head.

  14. whoa mama! KPs had her share of explosions but Carter wins the award! neckhole?! OMG!

  15. i definitely "OMG"-ed out loud after reading through this. Oh, the joys of motherhood. One day I hope to be as blessed! Seriously, I love hearing about your family. Keep them coming!! <3


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