Thursday, September 23, 2010

Carter, In Action. Warning: Obnoxious Mom Voice!

One day shy of 8 Weeks old
Please excuse the poor iPhone quality.. and the obnoxious Mom-voice!


  1. Seriously, how cute is he???!!!! How can we work this out and get our boys together for a playdate? OMG, adorable!

  2. Don't you feel like you could sit there ALL day long and just watch them?!

    I feel like I should tell you again that I am in fact in love with his adorable little face haha

    Our babies need to meet! You know. Once Ty gets here? haha!

  3. Aw! Thanks for my midday baby fix now that I'm back at work!

  4. Too cute! At least you got him to do something. As soon as I whip out the camera Connor just stares at it since it is big and black. Grr!

  5. he is too cute and his little noises! I love it!

  6. love him!!!!!!!!!!! how cute was that

  7. It's so sweet to hear their little voices! KP laughed at me yesterday and I picked her up and hugged her and then looked around to see if anyone else heard, mind you I'm home alone ALL DAY. So sweet. It's the little things!

  8. So sweet! That just made my day! Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

  9. oh my goodness, so so sweet! love it! i posted the very same thing on my blog the other day. i think all moms get that high-pitched voice when talking to their babies :)

  10. Oh my gosh adorable!!! I love how you asked if he was talking and then he like took a deep breath and let out a squeal, like "yes, I AM!" Too sweet!

  11. It's really amazing to see babies really thinking about what they are doing. You can see he wants to "say" something but isn't quite sure how.

  12. a collective awww is heard throughout the interwebs =)

  13. awww so sweet! love it when they kick their legs all around like that :)


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