
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's Raining Babies.

Catchy title for a post about my baby shower, right? OK. Maybe it is true. Maybe this baby has sucked all of the creativity and ingenious writing right out of my body, because lately? I can't think of anything interesting or entertaining to talk about. All I can think about is baby and all things baby-related. For example:

- I've had countless "holy crap" moments this week in regards to the very real potential that I could pretty much have a baby any time in the next four to five weeks (or less). A real, live baby.
- Almost 35 weeks pregnant and I have sausage fingers. Legit sausage digits. Which, on my 5'7" frame, makes it look as if I have midget hands. Not only is this mega uncomfortable, but it's also super creepy.
- We have yet to put together the travel system or the pack and play or the jogging stroller and we don't even own the bassinet or swing yet. Minor details.
- I've been motivated enough to organize all of Baby Boy's clothes by size, but can't seem to find the motivation to actually venture out in the 103* heat index to buy the proper detergent to start washing his clothes. Oh and did I mention we have 57 receiving blankets, 36 pairs of socks, 45 bibs and approximately 357 0-3 month size onesies? For reals. Okay, maybe I was embellishing on the onesie count. But you catch my drift...

Regardless, here are a few pictures from my baby shower, hosted by my wonderful mother-in-law at which both Baby Boy and I were showered with endless amounts of love and some pretty sweet swag. Please note, Baby Boy's name was scattered throughout the ENTIRE shower, therefore, many pictures have been withheld from the blogosphere! These pictures include the favors, the banner, one of his THREE awesome diaper cakes, the most delicious cake I've ever eaten as well as a few of his monogrammed baby gifts.

in lieu of a card, each guest was asked to bring their favorite childhood book for Baby Boy

and include a special message to him on a handmade bookmark

that was sent to each of the invitees.

just a small snapshot of an incredible clothesline full of onesies, sleep sacks, booties, bibs and more!

you can also catch a glimpse of a killer diaper wreath made by one of my dear friends

(who also made the three diaper cakes scattered throughout the shower!)

Recognize her? It's Aliya, my real life friend and superb blogger gal from The View From My Shoes!

Baby Boy is so lucky to have some incredible "aunties" in his life!

Needless to say, it was a fabulous little party filled with great friends and family, delicious food and lot's of love and laughter. I know I speak for Baby Boy when I say how incredibly blessed we are to be surrounded by such supportive, generous and loving friends and family.

Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

34 Weeks, Doctor Drama, Lightening Hoo-Ha and A Nursery Sneak...

OK, so technically I am 34 weeks tomorrow, Friday, but in keeping with my current mantra of impatience, I figure, "what the heck? I'll post today!" 34 weeks. As I'm sure you can tell, I snapped that picture while waiting to see my OB yesterday. After leaving my beloved practice in Pennsylvania midway through my pregnancy, I began seeing a highly recommended mid size group of physicians down here in Maryland. Figuring I shouldn't get too attached to one physician so late in my pregnancy, I decided I should probably rotate through the 7 of them. And so I did. And here's a snapshot of how it went:

Dr. M: Recommended a fab pediatrician, however inferred that it was a "good thing I left oncology nursing because in her opinion, I wasn't old enough to have shared the kind of compassion and empathy with my patients that they were truly seeking." Yep, that was the first and last time I saw her. Freaking moron. With my luck, she'll be on-call when I go into labor.

Dr. H: Most definitely not much older than I, during our 20 minute appointment, kept referring to me as "Sweetie," as if I was an uninformed child. Um, just like they say on that MTV show, "Neeeexxxxxttt!"

Certified Nurse Midwife M: I actually saw CNM M first, before the practice informed me that I needed to verbalize whether or not I wanted to be followed by the Nurse Midwife half of the practice or the Physician half of the practice. CNM M needed to Google my own personal birth history as I was giving it because she didn't really understand the medical terms I was using. I kid you not. Needless to say, I chose to see the Physician half of the practice.

Dr. E: After my three previous caregiver interactions, I figured it might be time to make an appointment with one of the names leading the practice. You know what I mean. I'm seeing a group of doctors under the "X," "Y" & "Z" Group. I assumed it was about time I see Dr. "X." In this case, however, his last name began with an "E." And the first appointment I had with him, he comes strolling into the room relaxed, very tan and wearing khakis and boat shoes without socks. Now we're talking. Immediately after introducing himself, eyeing my Kindle, he strikes up a conversation about books and the Kindle vs. The Nook. Seriously, could this guy be any cooler? Any more my type? Had he not been shorter than myself, I may have labeled him Dr. Silver Fox. And there went my theory of seeing every doctor in the practice before I deliver. This guy is the bomb-diggity.

34 weeks.

Weight gain. A weight gain of 36 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I jokingly informed Doc. Silver Fox that I now officially weigh MORE than my husband and in return he said, "Honey, once you pop that baby out, those pounds will melt right off. Even your husband won't be able to lose weight that easily." I'm sorry doc, but could we be BFF? Maybe hit up a Happy Hour in approximately 5 weeks?

Sleeping (or lack thereof). Nothing more than a chore. I go to bed with throbbing feet and aching hips and despite my love affair with the Snoogle, I wake up feeling the same way.

Have you seen my fingers? I can't feel them. My hands randomly started going numb these past couple of weeks. It's really annoying when trying to blow dry your hair, put on makeup, grocery shop.. Pretty much any activity that involves raising your arms above your head for a short while.

Lightening hoo-ha. Check any medical book. You may or may not find this condition in there. But it refers to the shooting, stabbing pains that I'm now feeling in my nether regions as Baby Boy continues to finagle himself into just the right head-down position. Holy cow does this hurt.

The desire to sit around your house wearing nothing but underwear. Not only am I slowly approaching that stage in pregnancy where even my maternity clothes no longer fit, but I'm also beginning to loathe the feeling of any type of fabric clingy or loose, touching the belly. Shirts, tanks, waistbands of pants, shorts, etc. Gross. Maybe I should start looking into joining a nudist colony for these final few weeks.

Ah, 34 weeks and a much anticipated Nursery Sneak!

So many of you have commented and emailed me in regards to whether or not I would be sharing pictures of the nursery! Well, let's just say it's very slowly coming along. I'm a little disappointed in myself that it's not already finished, but I do have to keep reminding myself that we did just buy a brand new house and have managed to paint nearly every single room and furnish it accordingly. The fact that the nursery is only a third of the way complete and the rest of our house is nearly perfect speaks volumes. However, I'm still neurotic and impatient and feel only slightly like a Mommy Slacker.

Here's a peak at our reading/feeding corner. Major kudos goes out to Hubs who painted this entire room by himself, including the painstaking stripes that required superhuman patience and concentration to outline, tape, prime and paint. Pardon the iPhone photo, but if you can't tell, Baby Boy's room (gosh, it's REALLY hard not to type his name!) is predominantly a dark grey-ish blue with khaki and white accent stripes. That, my friends, is a picture of the world's most comfiest swivel-glider combo known to man. It's upholstered in a chic microfiber that I am just in love with and can't wait to clean both breast milk and baby spit-up off of that sucker.

Baby Boy's crib is also assembled in the room, but I haven't quite gotten around to making it up with his bedding of choice. Here's a sneak peak of Baby Boy's crib bedding. My goal was not to go too overboard with a theme of sorts, but we have chosen to accent his room with both Beatrix Potter and Peter Rabbit artwork and other tstochtkes. So, I guess you can say his room will be a Peter Rabbit Nursery.

Although Baby Boy will be spending the first few weeks of his life sleeping in our room, my goal is to have his nursery completed by the second week of July. Then I PROMISE to share with you all how darling his room looks all put together!
With home, the home you call your own,
It really doesn't matter where,
There is no place, in all the world,
That ever will or can compare.
Peter Rabbit.
Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Finances, the Number One Reason for Divorce? You Haven't Met the Snoogle.

You want to know why that woman is smiling? Guess.

No, she's not relishing in the fact that she's growing a tiny human being in her uterus. She isn't embracing the thought that she's about to fulfill one of womens' greatest responsibilities in this world, bringing a new life into existence. She's not even that excited about her matching pajama ensemble (although, if you ask me, I have yet to figure out how a very pregnant woman, like her or myself, could stand wearing socks, let alone having that much clothing touch her body at any given time).

This woman is smiling because her husband most likely just gifted her that awesome body pillow she's spooning with. Or, if you're like me, your husband blissfully and unawaredly purchased that pillow for you for Mother's Day, mostly so that you would stop your bitching and moaning, huffing and puffing and tossing and turning, completely uninformed of the toll it would soon take on his place in the marital bed.

I love my Snoogle. I also love my husband. But let's say my house was on fire and I had to run back in and save something. I would most definitely grab my Snoogle while simulataneously beating my husband with it so that he could get out, too. What? Did you HONESTLY think I wouldn't save my husband? Sheesh. He was the one who bought me the Snoogle, afterall, wasn't he!? You can't kick a gift horse in the mouth, right? Or rather, you can't leave the father of your baby/the giver of the Snoogle in a burning building to fend for himself! I have morals, people!

The Snoogle. A body pillow designed to cradle the pregnant woman's aching body so that she may sleep more comfortably, more soundly and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

The Snoogle. A device conjured up by a pregnant woman, taken to bed by said pregnant woman, to ward off sex-seeking husbands, reducing their space to sleep in the bed down to a measly quarter of an inch.

You say tomato, I say to-mah-to, right?

As I'm writing this post, I can almost hear my husband's voice, echoing that last sentiment as he begins to band with other daddy's-to-be, armed with torches and pitchforks, ready to form a coalition against the Snoogle.

Yes, I feel awful 98% of the time, as I'm returning from overnight trip number 476 to the bathroom, standing next to the bed as I fluff and turn the Snoogle, most often knocking my husband in the face/back/knee while he sleeps peacefully.

Yes, I miss spooning with him without a giant foamy, cottony wedge laying defiantly between us.

And yes, it makes me giggle outloud when I wake up, prior to overnight trip number 476 to the bathroom and find my husband, squished up against the opposite side of my Snoogle, mirroring my own spooning position. Drooling, but with a faint smile on his face. Subconsciously, I KNOW he loves the Snoogle, too!

No darling husband, do not think you have been replaced. Although I am sure that I did read somewhere that the Snoogle may or may not be a contributing factor to the rising rates of divorce among young married couples. It was somewhere on a list between "crazy pregnant women horomones" and "crazy, ridiculous demands your pregnant wife will make in the last trimester."

Hey, at least I'll admit to these things, right?

Darling husband, just take solace in knowing that the Snoogle isn't permanent. With a little more than 5 weeks (or less) until Baby Boy makes his entrance into our family, know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We will be a Snoogle-less sleeping husband and wife again, soon.

Oh, darling husband! By the way... Have I shared with you my thoughts on this fabulous infant-soothing tactic I read all about? It's called.... Co-sleeping!!

Disclaimer: Let it be known that I love my husband WAY more than I love my Snoogle and no, I would NOT rush back into a burning building to save said Snoogle before my darling husband. This post was written purely to delight an audience and does not boast a personal opinion for or against or regarding the benefits, safety or non-benefits of co-sleeping. The author of said post also does not truly believe that the Snoogle is in any way related to the rates of divorce amongst married couples. Read and laugh, dear audience. Read and laugh..

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sheepie Loves Crabs, Too.

There are very few things worse in life than coming home from an extended weekend at the beach house. I'm not sure if this is equally upsetting or kind of a little exciting, but it also may have been the last weekend that Hubs and I spend at the beach house before Baby Boy arrives! Needless to say, we had an absolute blast. We laughed, we relaxed, we enjoyed countless hours just the three of us.. Hubs, myself and the Sheepdog. And what better way to spend one of our final evenings there than on the porch, indulging in some delish Maryland blue crab while watching the sun set over the bay?

the view..

waiting patiently for one of those tasty-smelling red things...


"um, Sheepie? we said SMELL not BITE the crabbies!"

Who knew our Arkansas-bred Sheepdog had a little Maryland crab lover in him?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A New Friend for Sullivan?

While furiously mowing the lawn to keep up with our immaculately landscaped neighbors, Hubs found this little guy wandering around our backyard! Tearing up the deck, Hubs bangs on the sliding glass door yelling, "Babe! Hurry up! Bring your camera! Your iPhone! Whatever!"

Okay. Telling your very pregnant, very sedimentary wife "hurry up" is just plain mean. Especially when it's taken her approximately 33 minutes to position the pillows on the couch in just. the. right. spot.

There is no hurrying. Unless of course there is water-breaking or ice cream involved. And knowing my husband? He was calling me outside to see something gross and/or scary. Like a giant snake. Or a carnivorous spider. Like I said, no need to hurry.

I grab my camera, waddling out onto the deck and see my husband crouching down in the middle of the yard. I waddle down the stairs and find him talking to this little guy:

we've named him timmy.

Finding him in our backyard brought back so many memories of growing up in Hometown, New Jersey right alongside an enormous pond. Peepers, tadpoles, bullfrogs, snakes.. geese, goslings, swans. You name it. It was like growing up in a veritable wildlife sanctuary. Now that we live right alongside a little babbling brook, we're hoping to see much more of Timmy and his turtle friends! However, Timmy, for the record, we don't allow snake friends in our backyard. Just throwing that out there..

Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend Whereabouts and Where Are The Weekends Going?!

A whirlwind wedding weekend.

Try saying that one five times fast! I couldn't think of a better way to describe this past weekend. Actually, that's not true. If I really wanted to convey just how my weekend was spent, it would need to include words such as, "breathtaking," "beautiful," and "amazing."

After a ten hour drive North, a drive that must've felt like eons for my husband, constantly catering to his 32 week pregnant wife's every whim, we safely and eagerly arrived in Cape Cod, Massachusetts for the nuptials of one of my dearest and bestest college friends.

In front of 218 guests, J&M gracefully tied the knot in one of the prettiest settings and ceremonies I've ever been privy too. And I was blessed to stand by her side and witness it all. Each and every detail, down to the slightest of details, echoed this couple to a "T." From the antique hydrangeas in the centerpieces, to the light blues and navy's used throughout the wedding, to the music chosen to play during Mass, straight from the church walls of Villanova, to the monogrammed koozie's tucked neatly into each guests' place setting.. This wedding couldn't have been more "J&M." It was perfect.

And what a gorgeous bride! I always knew I had pretty friends.. but J? You looked gorgeous, darling! Absolutely gorgeous!

Although this experience has me vowing never to be an intergral part of anyone's wedding at 32 weeks pregnant, I'm so happy I was able to be there for J on her special day. And I couldn't thank her enough for worrying about me as much as she did. Despite it being her day, she wouldn't let a second go by without first checking on me and making sure my bridesmaid dress hadn't cut off the circulation to my lower half. J, you're the best friend a girl could ask for!

Here are just a few pictures that I snapped from our wedding weekend on The Cape:

the ring...

the dress...

the new Mr. & Mrs!

and the party...

(yep, I'm the one smuggling a watermelon
underneath my bridesmaid dress!)

And what a party it was!

As if time doesn't already feel as if it's slipping by too quickly to grasp, the next two weekends promise to be just as whirlwind-y! How's that for proper grammar? This coming weekend, Hubs and I will be spending some quality time away, quite possibly for the last time as just a family of three (can't forget Sheepie) and the following weekend, I'll be celebrating the soon-to-be birth of Baby Boy at my Baby Shower! I'm undoubtedly so blessed to have such incredible women in my life who will be hosting this shower and I can't wait to celebrate with them! I've already had a couple of sneak peaks and let's just say, I am ONE lucky Momma!

Stay tuned for updates, pictures and posts!

Happy Monday!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

31 Weeks And a Womb With a 4D View!

31 weeks. Holy smokes.

Hello, gigantic mix of emotions! It's no lie that I'm quickly growing impatient with this final leg of pregnancy. It's so easy to find yourself frustrated and uncomfortable and completely unaware of your ever-growing circumference. No matter how blessed, lucky and overwhelmed with happiness and anticipation as you might be, it's especially easy to find yourself wishing away the last several weeks of pregnancy. Of course, this is all my own opinion. (Disclaimer: Baby Boy, I would appreciate you staying in there to bake for at LEAST five or six more weeks. Then you can come out and play!)

Let's take a brief look at the less.. glamorous side of pregnancy, shall we?

Just yesterday, I swear I fit through the clothing racks at Target without
having to turn sideways, frontways, backways, etc.

It's too hot. All the time. Everywhere I go.

My wedding bands no longer fit and therefore, to many, I appear an unwed mother.
The looks and stares are not always pretty. Idiots.

My back hurts. All the time. Everywhere I go.

If one more person tells me, "My, you are NOT going to make it until the end of July," or "Are you sure it's not twins?" I'm going to smack them.

My husband is a saint for all of the back-rubbing, head-rubbing, foot-rubbing, insert-pretty-much-any-body-part-rubbing, he's been offering to do.

I now drive with one of those "old person" back supports in the car.

I can't stand the feeling of anything elastic or remotely constricting near my waist.
This goes for pants, shorts, underwear, seatbelts, etc.
(That doesn't mean I don't wear them! Goodness!)

I live in my husband's drawstring Under Armour athletic shorts and his over-sized T-shirts.
If only this was acceptable attire for graduations, weddings and showers,
I'd be happy as a clam!

I've opened countless car doors right into belly
and have quickly been struck by motherly guilt
for bumping Baby Boy right in the backside.

I've spit toothpaste right down onto belly, completely missing the sink bowl,
as I'm brushing my teeth (too many times to count!)

I curse and whine. A lot.

I've perfected the waddle.

I miss zippers. Zippers! I long for the day when I can pull up a pair of pants
and zip them closed. Don't get me wrong, elastic belly bands are glorious-
but zippers? Oh, zippers.

Whew. Enough of that rant. Moving on to much cuter, much better things.

3D/4D ultrasound. God's gift to impatient pregnant women.

Genius. Genius. Genius. How amazing. Let's just say this boy loves chocolate almost as much as his Momma does! Although a bit shy and uncooperative in the beginning, after several Hershey Kisses, Baby Boy was awake, alert and ready for his close-up!

I may be a bit biased, being how I'm his MOTHER and all,
but how can you not fall immediately in love
with those chubby cheeks and pouty lips?

What a smile! Throughout our 45 minute boutique ultrasound, Baby Boy was constantly drawing his feet and hands up to his face, opening his mouth, yawning and smiling. The ultrasound tech confirmed my suspicions- that Baby Boy is laying head down, oblique in position, with his head laying over either my right or left hip, depending on the day. No concerns, as he has more than enough time to scoot into a more vertical, head-in-the-pelvis position during the next few weeks. The guess is that he'll be an average-sized baby, measuring between 7 and 8 and a half pounds.

Although, if you ask me, 8 and a half pounds is awful close to NINE pounds and that's just ginormous in my book.

He kicks, he punches, he rolls, he hiccups. He stretches until he runs out of room and elbows and knees poke out of my belly. He tucks his feet up under my ribs and tickles me with his toes. It's cute for about thirty-seven seconds before I want to shove him so far down into my pelvis, he couldn't possibly wiggle his way up that high again.

His nursery is about a quarter of the way complete (hello, slackers!) and the furniture arrives later this week. I've already started a small library for him chock full of some of my absolute MOST favorite childhood books.

The Giving Tree.
Where The Wild Things Are.
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.
Scuffy the Tugboat.
Alexander and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

We've already started reading together, although I can't say he loves it nearly much as he does rocking out to our iPod.
Wish me luck this weekend as I stand beside one of my dearest college friends as she says ,"I do!" to her college sweetheart. Note to self: Being a bridesmaid at thirty-two weeks pregnant is NOT the wisest decision you'll ever make! But it'll certainly be worth it!
Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Who Knew...

that this silly little Power Ranger, circa 1997

would eventually grow up (and I mean, eventually...)

to be an awesome, hilarious

handsome, stand up and kickass kind of guy

who's graduating from high school this weekend?
I almost can't believe it myself.

Congratulations to my little brother
as he not only closes the book on this chapter in his life
but gears up for the greatness that lies ahead.

Woobs, I am so incredibly proud of you and can't wait
to watch you walk across that stage and grab that diploma
you've worked SO hard for!