Friday, January 30, 2009

Newest Obsession; Scarves.

I used to only think that scarves were for wear only in the winter when it was absolutely freeeezing outside and you needed something to wrap around your neck up to your ears. These scarves were often of the fleece or (very itchy) wool variety and immediately found their way back into the rubbermaid bin at winter's end. Well friendly bloggers, I've turned over a new leaf.

Scarves are my new most favorite accessory! (Okay, so maybe I'm a little late jumping on this fashion train?) Paired with a cute cashmere short-sleeve sweater or simple cotton long sleeve T.. or even a solid color sweater dress! scarves have become my latest fashion must-have. Ever since Hubs has me on a strict bi-weekly allowance, (boo, hiss *gasp!*) scarves have become an inexpensive way to spice up some of my usual ensembles!

Here are a few that I've picked up over the last couple weeks..
(The first three come from Urban Outfitters and the fourth is from Nordstrom!)

Just a little something to add a splash of color to your wardrobe! Looove them!


  1. Hi there!

    Thanks for "following" my blog!!! I am a huge fan of scarves too and also joined the bandwagon way after they were 1st considered cool and trendy. My best friend always wears them and looks so dang cute....I just never thought they looked right on me. Now, I wear them all the time. You should check out the ones at Old Navy! I went by there the other day because I needed a cheap, black shirt and fell in love (as in 8 scarves later) with all of their colorful scarves. I think they are about $12 a piece....very cute.

    Here's a link to my post awhile back about my new found addiction to scarves!

    Again, thanks for stopping by!

  2. Just wanted to say I LOVE your blog name. I paint signs with cute sayings like "I'm loved more than_______." People always choose the cutest things but nobody's chosen carrots yet! Too cute. Look at and you can see them! I'll be doing a sign giveaway soon and if you win I'll HAVE to paint you that!

  3. I love scarves too!

  4. Oooh, those scarves are great pics! :) I love them all. Your blog is so cute! Love it!


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